Abstract摘要Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 General Introduction of Humor and Relevent Theories2.1 What Is Humor2.2 Features of Humor2.2.1 Concise and Implicative2.2.2 Inharmonious2.2.3 Unexpected2.2.4 Unconventional2.3 How to Achieve Humorous Effects2.4 Three Prominent Traditional Theories on Humor Appreciation2.4.1 Superiority Theory2.4.2 Incongruity-Resolution Theory2.4.3 Relief Theory2.5 Linguistic Theories of Humor from the Cognitive Perspectivet2.5.1 Semantic Script Theory of Humor2.5.2 General Theory of Verbal Humor2.5.3 Marked Informativeness and Optimal Innovation2.5.4 Main Features of Cogntive Linguistics on Humor StudiesChapter 3 Conceptual Blending Theory in Verbal Humor Interpretation3.1 Introduction of Conceptual Blending Theory3.1.1 The Premises to Achieve Blending between Mental Spaces3.1.2 Conceptual Blending Network3.1.3 Six Optimality Principles3.2 Interpretation of Verbal Humor from CBT Perspective3.2.1 Blending Process in Verbal Humor Interpretation3.2.2 Metonymic Blending in Verbal Humor Interpretation3.2.3 Formalization of Verbal Humor Interpretation by Conceptual Bleong NetworksChapter 4 Relecance Theory and Verbal Humor Production and Interpretation4.1 Inroduction of the Relevance Theory4.1.1 Relevance in the Relevance Theory4.1.2 Principles and Presumptions of Relevance4.1.3 Context in the Relevance Theory4.2 The Relevance Theory in Verbal Humor Production4.2.1 Unconsciously Made Humor and Consciously Made Humor4.2.2 Humorous Effects Created by Extra Processin Effort Made in Achieving Real Optimal Relevance4.2.3 Humorous Effects Created through Different Expectations of Optimal Relevance between Communicators4.2.4 Verbal Humor Generated from the Gap between Maximal Relevance and Optimal Relevance4.2.5 Cogntive Context and Verbal Humor Production4.3 The Relevance Theory and Verbal Humor Interpretation4.3.1 Cognitive Context and the Comprehension of Verbal Humor’s Semantic Meaning4.3.2 The Influence of Cogntive Context on Verbal Humor Inference4.3.3 Cogntive Context and Comprehension of Verbal Humor’s ImplicationsChapter 5 Newly-developed CBT and RT in Verbal Humor Interpretation5.1 Insufficiencies of CBT and RT in Verbal Humor Interpretation5.2 New Development of CBT in Verbal Humor Interpretation5.3 The Optimal Relevance in Verbal Humor Interpretation Deducted by CBT5.4 The Combination of CBT and RT in Verbal Humor InterpretationChapter 6 The Use of Humor in Education6.1 Educational Functions of Humor6.2 The Necessity of Humor in Classroom6.3 Guidelines for Using Verbal Humor in the ClassroomChapter 7 ConclusionsBibliographyAcknowledgementsResume
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