阅读理解在英语及其它外语的学习和教学中历来受到高度重视。对于阅读理解理论的认识也在不断提高。广大教师还研究总结了许多富有价值的具体的教学方法。但是,在阅读教学中我们还是经常会发现一些讲授阅读课的教师将学生不能很好理解外语文章的主要原因归结为他们语言知识有限。因而,在课堂上,这些教师把大量的时间和精力用于词汇和语法知识的讲授上,结果却并不令人满意。 实际上,阅读理解是读者通过与文章之间相互作用获取意义的过程。为了实现对一篇文章的理解,读者要经历一系列的心理过程。在这个过程中,读者并非对文章进行逐词阅读,而是利用已有知识和阅读策略对文章进行综合信息处理。 任务型教学能够克服在传统教学模式中存在的缺陷。它不仅强调语言学习,而且强调学习过程;学习者自身经历的增长对课堂学习起到重要的作用;它将课堂里对语言的学习同课堂外对语言的活用结合起来,语言的学习是多层面,而非线性的过程。所以,任务型教学法可以使教师更加充分了解阅读理解的心理过程以及学生的原有知识在阅读理解中的作用,进而达到提高阅读能力的目的。
1. Introduction1.1 Background and the ineffectiveness of traditional approach1.2 Description and analysis of the models influencing current teaching practice1.2.1 Some teaching models have influenced current teaching practice1.2.2 National University Entrance Examination affects the language learning1.3 Research questions2. Theories relevant to the present research2.1 Second language learning theories relevant to the research2.1.1 Cognitive psychology2.1.1.1 Information processing2.1.1.2 Constructivism2. Piaget and four developmental stages2. George Kelly2. Jerame Bruner2. Vygotsky and His Social Cognition2.1.2 Humanistic Approaches2.1.2.1 Erik Erikson2.1.2.2 Abraham Maslow2.1.2.3 Carl Rogers2.1.2.4 Implications of the Humanist Approach2.1.3 Social interactionism2.2 Researches of communicative language ability2.2.1 A brief introduction to the research of reading2.2.1.1 Definition of Reading2.2.1.2 Reading as an integration of word Recognition and Comprehension2.2.2 Some process and skills involved in reading comprehension2.2.3 The reasons of encouraging students to do reading tasks3. Arationale for task-based instruction3.1 The traditional presentation-based approach3.1.1 The durability of the 3Ps approach3.2 Task-based approaches: definitions and preliminary rationale3.2.1 Concepts and definitions of task3.2.2 Justifying the use of tasks3.3 Investigations into task-based instruction3.3.1 Task dimensions and task difficulty3.3.2 Selective effects of task characteristics3.3.3 Research into participants in tasks3.3.4 Task familiarity3.4 Task-based research: summary and overview4. The Application for classroom practice of task-based teaching4.1 Establishing goals for the reading classroom4.2 Using Authentic materials4.3 Tasks helping to develop reading ability4.4 The experiment of English task-based teaching in vocational college4.4.1 The design of the experiment4.4.2 The result of the experiment and analysis4.4.3 Discussion about the experiment4.4.4 Problems in the experiment5. Conclusion and implications for future studyReferences学位论文独创性声明学位论文版权使用授权书
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标签:英语课堂论文; 阅读能力论文; 任务型教学法论文;