摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research objectives1.3 The organization of this paperChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Research of courtroom defense abroad2.2 The research status quo of the statements of defense in ChinaChapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Methodology3.1 The theoretical framework3.2 Data collection and methodologyChapter 4 Contextual Correlates of Language Adaptability in the Statements of Defense4.1 The Communicative roles of participants in court trial4.2 The mental world to which the statements of defense adapt4.3 The social world concerning the statements of defense4.3.1 Address forms for judges in the statements of defense4.3.2 Forms of self-reference to defenders in the statements of defenseChapter 5 Structural Objects of the Language Adaptability in the Statements of Defense5.1 Various levels of structural objects to which the language in the statements of defense adapts5.2 Choices of codes in the statements of defense5.3 Choices of linguistic style of the statements of defense5.4 Choices of the sentence types of language in the statements of defense5.4.1 Declarative sentence in the statements of defense5.4.2 Interrogative sentence in the statements of defenseChapter 6 Salience Adaptability in the Statements of Defense6.1 Pragmatic awareness and metapragmatic awareness6.2 Function of indicators in constructing the structure of the statements of defense6.3 Function of expressing the modality of language in the statement of defense6.3.1 Function of expressing intensity in the statement of defense6.3.2 Function of expressing degree in the statement of defense6.3.3 Function of expressing obviousness in the statement of defense6.4 Function of manifesting the evidentiality in the statement of defenseChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Major findings and implications7.2 Limitations and suggestions for further studyReferencesAppendix I List of SamplesAppendix II Formula of Statements of DefenseAppendix III A Sample of Statement of DefenseAcknowledgements作者简介
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标签:刑事辩护词论文; 语境顺应性论文; 语言结构顺应性论文; 意识程度顺应性论文;