Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Study background1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Study method1.5 Structure of the studyChapter Two Literature Review2.1 A brief review of Mark Twain2.2 A brief review of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn2.2.1 A brief review of the novel2.2.2 Previous studies of the novel2.3 Previous studies of the cooperative principle2.3.1 Study abroad2.3.2 Study in ChinaChapter Three Theoretical Framework for the Study3.1 Cooperative principle3.2 Violation of the cooperative principle3.2.1 Violating the maxim of quality3.2.2 Violating the maxim of quantity3.2.3 Violating the maxim of relevance3.2.4 Violating the maxim of manner3.3 Significance of the cooperative principle3.4 SummaryChapter Four Analyses of Conversational Implicature in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn4.1 Violation of the quality maxim4.1.1 Rhetorical question4.1.2 Irony4.1.3 Metaphor4.2 Violation of the quantity maxim4.2.1 Understatement4.2.2 Overstatement4.2.3 Tautology4.3 Violation of the relevance maxim4.3.1 Giving association clues4.3.2 Giving hints4.4 Violation of the manner maxim4.4.1 Incomplete sentences4.4.2 Vague sentences4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major findings of the study5.2 Limitations and suggestions for the future studyReferencesAcknowledgements攻读学位期间发表的学术论文
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