摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The background of the research1.2 The ideas of research and its main contentsChapter 2 The analysis to the TY Company’s internal status2.1 The Basic situation of the company and the analysis to its status2.1.1 The current organization structure of the company2.1.2 The analysis to its current main business2.1.3 The analysis to its core advantages2.2 The analysis to the company’s inner core competence2.2.1 The analysis of its business competence2.2.2 The analysis to its financial capability2.2.3 The analysis to its financing capability2.3 The research on the company’s internal management problems2.3.1 The analysis to its organization problem and management control.2.3.2 The analysis to the problems of its process and system2.3.3 The analysis to its financial management2.3.4 The analysis to its HR management2.3.5 The analysis to its culture constructionChapter 3 The analysis to TY Company’s external environment3.1 The analysis to the leasing industry and its developing trend3.1.1 The analysis to the trend of international leasing industry3.1.2 The analysis to the development of Chinese leasing industry3.2 The analysis to Chinese heavy trucks leasing industry3.2.1 The analysis to the supply chain of heavy truck leasing industry3.2.2 The analysis to the demand chain of heavy truck leasing industry3.2.3 The analysis and forecast to Chinese future heavy truck leasing industry3.3 The analysis to the main competitors of heavy truck leasing industry3.3.1 The analysis to the business models of the heavy truck leasing3.3.2 The analysis to the typical competitors3.4 The important meaning of establishing its new development strategyChapter 4 The establishment and evaluation of TY’s new development strategy4.1 The establishment of the TY Company’s SWOT strategical Matrix4.2 The analysis to the TY Company’s development strategy approaches.4.2.1 The profession-focused mode4.2.2 The leasing and value-added services mode4.2.3 The leasing and sales services mode4.3 The planning and designing of its strategical system4.3.1 The analysis to its business portfolio and business strategy orientation4.3.2 The company’s future vision and mission4.3.3 The forecast of the company’s strategic goals4.3.4 The analysis to the key business and identify its marketing strategic steps4.4 The company’s core competence constructing plan4.4.1 The analysis to its cultivating approaches of the core competence4.4.2 Its cultivating plan of the core capability in various stages.Chapter 5 ConclusionReferenceAcknowledgementThe directory of the article published during the MBA period
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标签:租赁行业论文; 公司分析论文; 发展战略论文; 核心能力建设论文;