QQ是目前最为广泛流行的即时通讯软件之一,拥有全球5亿多注册用户,其中活跃的用户约为2.9亿。因其交互功能强大、简单易用,越来越受到人们的关注并逐步被应用到教育中来。部分农村教师组织的QQ群在当地已成为一种工作和学习的方式,逐渐被教育界中各级领导和专家所认可。但其发展和壮大还存在许多问题,如何有效的解决这些问题,利用QQ更好的为农村教师服务,帮助农村教师建立利用QQ合作学习的机制,值得我们去思考和研究。鉴于此,笔者深入多个教师QQ群进行实地研究,结合基于网络的合作学习中较成熟的模式及策略,不断改进和调整,以期能进一步挖掘出QQ环境中合作学习的有效运行机制,为提高农村教师的综合素质,保证农村远程教育的顺利实施带来一些启示。本课题实行理论研究和实地研究相结合,通过查阅文献、资料检索、归纳、演绎等研究方法,对农村教师利用QQ合作学习的案例进行整理和分析,提出利用QQ组织合作学习的模式及策略。论文共分五部分:第一部分为绪论,介绍了论文的选题背景、研究现状、研究目的及意义、研究内容及研究方法。第二部分借用教育传播理论,分析陕西省三原县“网管联盟”等几个农村教师QQ群中的农村教师利用QQ学习的现状及问题。第三部分在合作学习的理论基础之上,提出QQ合作学习小组基于协作学习、基于问题解决、基于案例的学习模式,从QQ合作学习小组的结构、管理、组织、评价四个方面提出了切实可行的实施策略。第四部分实践QQ合作学习小组的模式及策略并改进。第五部分为结论,总结了本论文的研究成果,并对本论文的创新与不足进行了说明。QQ is one of the most popular instant communication software currently. It owns the world more than 500,000,000 register customers, among them active customers about 290,000,000. QQ has been paid attention by the people and has been gradually applied to education because its strong function and easily uses in brief. Some QQ groups of rural teachers have become the way of work and studies in the region. It gradually has been approved by leaders and experts in educational circles. But it meets many problems to develop and become stronger. It’s meaningful to be considered that how to resolve these problems effectively, make better use of QQ for rural teachers, and build up mechanism of cooperate learning to rural teachers in QQ.In view of it, writer carried on the on-the-spot research thorough several QQ groups of teachers. Combining with model and strategies that is mature according to cooperate learning of network, writer improves and adjusts continuously. So that it will dig out movement mechanism of the cooperate learning in QQ, and raise the rural teacher’s comprehensive quality, promote the rural long-distance education.The study combined the theories research with on-the-spot research, and used the research ways such as literature check, the data searching, induction, deduction etc. The writer sorts out and analyses the case of cooperate learning to rural teachers in QQ, and puts forward the model and the strategies about rural teachers’cooperative learning by use of QQ.The thesis is composed of 5 parts.The first part is introduction. It introduces the research background, present situation, significance, content and methodology of the thesis.The second part uses the communication theories, It analyzed present condition and existent problems that rural teacher makes use of QQ to study about QQ groups of "net tube alliance" of San Yuan county in Shan Xi province.The third part is based on theories of cooperate learning. It puts forward the study model of QQ cooperate learning groups, such as Based on Collaborative Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Case Method of Learning. Then it puts forward
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