Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Review of the Metonymy Theory2.1.1 Historical Retrospect and Current Interests in Metonymy2.1.2 Definition of Metonymy2.1.3 Classification of Metonymy2.1.4 Conceptual Metonymy2.1.5 Operational Mechanism of Metonymy2.2 A Brief Introduction to English NewsChapter 3 An Overview of the Adaptation Theory3.1 The Properties of Language3.2 The Four Angles of InvestigationChapter 4 The Realization of Metonymy in English News Language4.1 At the Lexical Level4.2 At the Grammatical Level4.3 At the Textual LevelChapter 5 The Analysis of Metonymy in English News from the Perspective of the Adaptation Theory5.1 Adaptation to the Mental World5.1.1 The Reader-Centerd Adaptation5.1.2 The Journalist-Centerd Adaptation5.2 Adaptation to the Social World5.2.1 Social Settings and Institutions5.2.2 Cultural Expression5.3 Adaptation to the Perception and Representation of English News LanguageChapter 6 The Pragmatic Functions of Metonymy in English News6.1 Saving Time for the Readers6.2 Helping the Readers Understand6.3 Appealing to the Readers6.4 Stuffing InFormation Shortage for the Journalists6.5 Avoiding the Journalists' Absolute ExpressionChapter 7 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:转喻论文; 报刊英语新闻论文; 顺应论论文;