Abstract中文摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Metaphor and EST Texts1.2 Motivation of the Present Study1.3 Data Collection and Analysis1.4 Aim of Research1.5 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Traditional Studies on Metaphor and Halliday's Study on Metaphor2.2 Review of EST Studies2.2.1 The Stylistic Approach to EST2.2.2 The Discourse Analysis of EST2.2.3 The Cognitive Approach to EST Discourse2.2.4 Systemic-functional Study of Scientific DiscourseChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Some Basic Concepts of Grammatical Metaphor from the Perspective of Systemic-functional Linguistics3.1.1 Congruent Metaphor and Incongruent Metaphor3.1.2 The Stratification of Language3.1.3 Linguistic Units and Domains3.1.4 Meta-functions of Language3.1.5 A Tentative Concept of Grammatical Metaphor3.2 Lexical Metaphor and Grammatical Metaphor3.3 Translation Principle by Newmark3.3.1 Concept of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation3.3.2 CT & ST and Text TypologyChapter 4 Application of GM into EST Texts4.1 The Linguistic Features of EST4.1.1 Lexical Features of EST4.1.2 Grammatical Features of EST4.1.3 Rhetorical Features of EST4.2 Identification of GM in EST Texts within the Framework of Halliday's Reclassification of GM4.2.1 Halliday's Reclassification of GM4.2.2 Analysis of the Reclassification4.2.3 Identification of GM in EST Texts in Light of Halliday's Reclassification4.3 Results and Findings4.3.1 Frequency of Different Types of GMs4.3.2 The Most Commonly Used Forms of GM in EST Texts4.3.3 Functional Analysis of GM in EST TextsChapter 5 E-C Translation of the Concrete Forms Brought up by GM in EST5.1 Communicative Translation and EST——Informative Text5.2 Criteria of EST Translation5.2.1 Criteria for the Translation of Concrete Forms of GM in EST5.2.2 Criteria for Translating the Concrete GM Forms in EST and CT5.3 Application of CT into the Translation of Two Concrete Forms Brought up by the Use of GM in EST5.3.1 Dealing with Nominalization5.3.2 Dealing with Attributive NounsChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings of the Present Study6.2 Limitations of the Present Study6.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliographyList of TablesPapers Published During the Study for M.A.DegreeAcknowledgements个人情况及联系方式
标签:科技英语论文; 语法隐喻论文; 交际翻译论文; 名词化论文; 名词修饰语论文;