AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Significance of the study1.2 Research method1.3 Thesis structureChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Present situation of the study on Chinese-English translation of public signs2.2 Development of the functionalism2.2.1 Katharina Reiss' contribution to functionalist translation2.2.2 Hans J. Vermeer:skopostheorie and beyond2.2.3 Justa Holz-Manttari and Christiane Nord2.3 Basic concepts of Skopostheorie2.3.1 Definition of Skopostheorie2.3.2 Translation brief2.3.3 Three rules of Skopostheorie2.4 Influences of the Skopos Theory to China's translation studies2.5 Limitations of the Skopostheo rieChapter Three Overview of Public Sign3.1 Definition of public sign3.2 Features of public signs3.3 Classifications of public signs3.3.1 Classification in terms of places they appear3.3.2 Classification in terms of information state3.3.3 Classification in terms of function3.4 Similarities and differences between Chinese and English public signs3.5 SummaryChapter Four Existing Translation Errors on Chinese-English Public Signs4.1 Pragmatic translation errors4.1.1 Pragmatic translation errors caused by diction4.1.2 Word-for-word translation4.1.3 Commands rather than requests4.2 Cultural translation errors4.2.1 Language,culture and translation4.2.2 Disregard of cultural differences4.2.3 Omission of cultural elements4.2.4 Cultural misunderstanding4.2.5 Inappropriate use of taboo4.3 Linguistic translation errors4.3.1 Spelling problems4.3.2 Grammatical problems4.3.3 Lexical errorsChapter Five Application of Skopos Theory to the Chinese-English Translationof Public signs5.1 Strategies responding to pragmatic translation errors5.1.1 Following the conventional pattern5.1.2 Translating it from the opposite5.2 Strategies responding to cultural translation errors5.2.1 No translation5.2.2 Added explanation5.2.3 Omission5.2.4 Transliteration5.3 Strategies responding to linguistic translation errors5.3.1 Increasing the printer and the translators' responsibility and competence5.3.2 Being concise and briefChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Limitation of the study6.3 Further studyBibliographyPublication(s)
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