论文题目: 美国总统就职演说词中的人际语法隐喻
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 王爱会
导师: 马铁川
关键词: 人际语法隐喻,人际功能,语气隐喻,情态隐喻,美国总统就职演说词
文献来源: 华北电力大学(河北)
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 本文应用系统功能语言学家韩礼德的人际语法隐喻理论来分析美国总统就职演讲词中所体现的人际功能。韩礼德认为语言具有三大功能:概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能,并把语法隐喻相应的分为概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻。人际语法隐喻是在表达人际功能的过程中出现的语法隐喻现象。总统就职演说是美国就职典礼的重要组成部分,演说词中不乏巧妙运用具体的语言策略达到演讲目的,具有相当的审美情趣和研究价值。本文将重点分析英语中表达人际功能的语气系统和情态系统的语法隐喻形式,并探讨人际语法隐喻在美国总统就职演讲词所实现的人际功能。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Theoretical Background
1.1.1 The study on GM
1.1.2 The Study on Interpersonal GM
1.2 Corpus Analyzed in the Dissertation
1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study
1.4 Framework of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Interpersonal GM
2.1 Concept of GM
2.1.1 Congruent and Incongruent Realizations
2.1.2 Different Levels of Language and Their Realization
2.1.3 Concept of Domains
2.1.4 Concept and Classification of Grammatical Metaphor
2.1.5 Interpersonal Function and Nature of the Interpersonal GM
2.2 Interpersonal GM and APIAs
Chapter Three Realization of Interpersonal GM and APIAs
3.1 Metaphors of Mood and APIAs
3.1.1 The Roles of Addressers and Audiences
3.1.2 Mood—the Basic Source for Speech Function
3.1.3 Metaphors of Mood
3.1.4 Nature of Mood GM
3.1.5 Mood Metaphors: a Resource for Semantic Predictions
3.1.6 Mood Metaphor and APIAs
3.2 Metaphors of Modality
3.2.1 Traditional Definition of Modality
3.2.2 Functional Definition of Modality
3.2.3 Modality Types Halliday’s Study on Modality Types Other Linguists’Study on Modality Types
3.2.4 The Value of Modality
3.2.5 Metaphors of modality
3.2.6 Modality Metaphor and APIAs
3.3 Combination of Metaphors of Mood and Modality
3.4 Recognizing the Interpersonal GM
Chapter Four Interpersonal Function in APIAs
4.1 The Importance of Interpersonal Communication Study
4.2 Interpersonal Function and Tenor
4.3 The Significance of APIAs
4.4 Interpersonal Function in APIAs
4.5 Interpersonal GM and APIAs
Chapter Five Analysis of Interpersonal GM in APIAs
5.1 The Occurrences of the Interpersonal GMs in APIAs
5.2 Interpersonal Function of Mood Metaphor
5.2.1 Command Realized by Declarative Mood
5.2.2 Statement or Command Realized by Interrogative Mood
5.3 Interpersonal Function of Modality Metaphor
5.3.1 Giving Prominence to the Subjectivity
5.3.2 Creating Objectivity
5.4 Interpersonal Function through the Combination of Mood & Modality
5.5 Summary of Interpersonal GM in APIAs
Chapter Six Conclusion
发布时间: 2007-03-14
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标签:人际语法隐喻论文; 人际功能论文; 语气隐喻论文; 情态隐喻论文; 美国总统就职演说词论文;