AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Current Studies on the Translation of Film Titles1.2 Good and Bad Translations1.3 The Purpose, Focus, and Method of This ThesisChapter Two Language Features of Film Titles2.1 Linguistic Feature2.2 Aesthetic Feature2.3 Cultural featuresChapter Three Functions of Film Titles3.1 Graphological Function3.2 Vocative Function3.2.1 In Terms of Successful Films3.2.2 In Terms of Successful Film StarChapter Four Reasons and Possibilities for Adaptation4.1 What is Adaptation4.2 Reasons for Adaptation from the Perspective of Culture4.3 Reasons for Adaptation from the Perspective of Different Genres of Films4.3.1 Science Fiction and Fantasy Film4.3.2 Horror Film4.3.3 Lyric Film4.4 Methods of Adaptation Translation4.4.1 Adaptation of Content 4.4.2 Adaptation of StyleChapter Five Theoretical Analysis on Deconstruction and Adaptation5.1 Incompetence of Eugene A. Nida’s Equivalence-oriented Approach5.2 Main Points of Deconstruction Theory for Translation5.3 Theoretical Analysis between Deconstruction and Translation of Film TitlesChapter Six The E-C Film Title Translation Methods and Techniques6.1 Transliteration6.2 Literal Translation6.3 Adaptation6.3.1 Complete Adaptation6.3.2 Combination of Literal Translation and Adaptation6.4 Techniques of Adaptation6.4.1 The Maxim of Conciseness6.4.2 Chinese Four-character Expression6.4.3 Quotation and Parody6.4.4 The Classical Chinese 6.4.5 Foreignness Vs RepackingChapter Seven ConclusionAPPENDIX 历届奥斯卡获奖名单及提名中的改译实例Bibliography
标签:片名翻译论文; 改译论文; 解构主义论文;