
中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Objectives of Research1.3 Layout of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Research on Word Length Effect Abroad2.1.1 Studies Finding Word Length Effect2.1.2 Word Length Effect Investigation in working memory Research2.1.3 Word Length Effect Exploration in Long-term Memory Research2.2 Studies on Word Length Effect in China2.3 Summary of Literature ReviewChapter 3 Theoretical Underpinnings3.1 Memory Theories3.1.1 Theories on Working Memory3.1.2 Theories on Long Term Memory3.2 Theories Relevant to Word Length Effect3.2.1 The Articulatory Loop Hypothesis3.2.2 The Feature Model3.2.3 The "Integration" Theory3.2.4 The "Item-Order Trade-Off" Theory3.2.5 The CCPP TheoryChapter 4 Experiment Design4.1 The General Introduction of the Experiments4.1.1 Su bjects4.1.2 Variables and their Operational Definition4.2 Experiment 14.2.1 Procedure4.2.2 Instrument4.2.3 Material4.2.4 Criteria to Judge the Spoken Answers from the Participants4.3 Experiment 24.3.1 Procedure4.3.2 Instrument4.3.3 Material4.4 Experiment 34.4.1 Procedure4.4.2 Instrument4.4.3 Material4.5 Experiment 44.5.1 Procedure4.5.2 Instruments4.5.3 MaterialChapter 5 Data Analysis and Findings of the Research5.1 Findings from Experiment 15.2 Findings from Experiment 25.3 Findings from Experiment 35.3.1 Age Factor in Experiment 35.3.2 Gender Factor in Experiment 35.4 Findings from Experiment 45.5 Interview5.5.1 Route Memory5.5.2 Imagination5.5.3 Translation5.5.4 Silent RepeatingChapter 6 General Discussion6.1 Existence of Word Length Effect in EFL Context6.1.1 Word Length Effect Exists in Immediate Serial Recall Test6.1.2 Word Length Effect is found Under the Articulation Suppression Condition6.1.3 There is Word Length Effect in the "item-order trade-off" Dual Task Test6.2 Relationship of Age and Gender to Word Length Effect Under Articulation SuppressionContext6.2.1 Age Difference does not Cause disparity in Word Length Effect under Articulation Suppression Context6.2.2 Gender Difference Elicit no Word Length Effect Difference under Articulation Suppression Context6.3 Factors That Affect the Word Memory6.3.1 Word Length is the Direct Factor That Causes the Poor Long Word Recall6.3.2 Articulation Suppression May Inhibit Long Word Memory6.3.3 Multi-task Performance in Recall Process Will Affect Long Word MemoryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Summary7.2 Implications7.2.1 Implications for Word Length Effect Study in Long Term Memory Research7.2.2 Implications for English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning7.3 LimitationBibliographyAbbreviationsList of Figures and TablesPublications during the Postgraduate ProgramAcknowledgements
标签:记忆论文; 词长效应论文; 英语词汇习得论文; 实验论文;