ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要CHAPTER Ⅰ INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER Ⅱ LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Previous Studies on Language Transfer2.2 Negative Transfer: The Theory of Behaviorism and CA2.2.1 The Elaboration of Behaviorism2.2.2 The Elaboration of Contrastive Analysis2.3 Previous Studies on Cultural Transfer2.4 Previous Studies on Interpreting2.4.1 Definition of Interpreting2.4.2 Important Theories on Interpreting2.4.3 The Previous Theoretical Study of Interpretation2.5 Defects of the Previous Studies2.6 SummaryCHAPTER Ⅲ AN EMPIRICAL STUDY3.1 Hypothesis3.1.1 Research Method3.1.2 Subjects and Data Collection3.1.3 Material for Interpretation3.1.4 Procedures3.2 Results3.3 Analysis of the Students’Interpreted Versions3.4 Possible Reasons of Negative Cultural Transfer3.5 SummaryCHAPTER Ⅳ STRATEGIES TO AVOID NEGATIVE CULTURAL TRANSFER IN INTERPRETATION TEACHING4.1 Cultural Introduction in Interpretation Teaching4.1.1 Principles of Cultural Introduction4.1.2 Contents of Cultural Introduction4.1.3 Methods of Culture Introduction4.2 The Importance of Cultivating Cultural Competence of the Students4.3 Basis of Cultivating Cultural Competence4.3.1 To Increase Cross-Cultural Awareness4.3.2 To Strengthen Cross-Cultural Communicative Competence4.4 SummaryCHAPTER Ⅴ CONCLUSION5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.2 Limitation and Suggestions for the Further StudyBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX ⅠAPPENDIX ⅡAPPENDIX Ⅲ
标签:语言迁移论文; 文化负迁移论文; 跨文化交际论文; 口译教学论文;
Negative Cultural Transfer in Interpreting and Its Enlightenments to Interpretation Teaching