Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Researchth Century American Novels'>1.1.1 A Brief Introduction to the 19th Century American Novelsth Century American Novels'>1.1.2 A Brief Introduction to the 20th Century American Novels1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study1.3 Research Questions1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Overview of the Study of the Subjunctive2.1 Mood2.1.1 The Definition of Mood2.1.2 The Mood System of English2.2 A General Study of the Subjunctive from Diachronic and Synchronic Approaches2.2.1 The English Subjunctive versus the French Subjunctive2.2.2 The English Subjunctive versus the Latin Subjunctive2.2.3 The English Subjunctive versus the Classical Greek Subjunctive2.3 Review of the Miscellaneous Scholarly Opinions on Subjunctive2.3.1 The Disappearance of the Subjunctive Mood2.3.2 The School of Neutrality2.3.3 The Vitality of the Subjunctive MoodChapter 3 Theoretical Framework of the English Subjunctive3.1 The Definition of the English Subjunctive3.2 The Classification of the Subjunctive3.2.1 The Present Subjunctive3.2.2 The Past Subjunctive3.3 The Syntactic Structures of the Subjunctive3.3.1 The Subjunctive in Dependent Clauses3.3.2 The Subjunctive in Conditional Clauses3.3.3 The Subjunctive in Concessive Clauses3.3.4 The Subjunctive in Clauses of Hypothetical Similarity3.3.5 The Subjunctive in Clauses of Purpose3.3.6 The Subjunctive in Clauses of TimeChapter 4 Methodology4.1 Building of the Corpora of NANC and TANC4.2 Tools and Software4.3 Data Sampling and Processing in NANC and TANC4.4 Manual WorkChapter 5 Analysis and Discussion of the Data5.1 Frequency and Distribution of the Subjunctive in NANC5.2 Frequency and Distribution of the Subjunctive in TANC5.3 Comparison on the Subjunctive between NANC and TANC5.3.1 Comparison on the be-subjunctive between NANC and TANC5.3.2 Comparison of the Were-Subjunctive between NANC and TANCChapter 6 Conclusions6.1 Major Findings6.2 Implications6.3 LimitationsReferencesAppendixesPublicationAcknowledgementsResume
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标签:虚拟语气论文; 语料库论文; 美国小说论文;