本文分析了萨缪尔森和诺德豪斯《经济学(第17版)》一书中所采用的一些修辞手段,例如限制性的知识性论断、假定的词汇标志等等。本研究基于这样一个前提:加强教师和学习者对特定学科领域中修辞运用的认识是很重要的。通过分析经济学文章、发现经济学该学科领域修辞手段的运用,可以加强学生对这些修辞手段的意识,以达到帮助他们更好地理解经济类文章。 在分析所发现到的修辞手段并指出它们均为有效的修辞手段之后,本文也讨论了本研究在三个方面的教学指导意义:经济学英语(EE)教材的选用方面、经济学英语的写作方面、以及经济学英语的翻译方面。
DeclarationAbstractAcknowledgementsChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Starting Words1.2 The Evolution of Rhetoric1.3 Rhetoric & Economics1.4 Why Such a Study?1.5 Rhetorical Study of ESP Discourses in China1.6 Organization of This ThesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Interdisciplinary Studies on Rhetoric and Sciences2.2 Researches on Rhetoric and Economics2.2.1 Donald McCloskey's 1983 Article: on Samuelson's Foundations2.2.2 Willie Henderson on Keynes's The General Theory2.2.3 Willie Henderson on Problems of Edgeworth's Mathematical Psychics: A Negative Example2.2.4 Charles Bazerman on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations2.2.5 Other ResearchesChapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework3.1 The Definition of Rhetoric in the Present Study3.2 Rhetorical Perspective Adopted in the Present Study3.3 Application of Rhetorical Act in Economics Textbooks3.4 Scope of Rhetoric Researched in the Present StudyChapter Ⅳ The Analysis4.1 Hedged Knowledge Claims4.1.1 The Notion of Hedging4.1.2 Research Focus: Lexical Hedges in Knowledge Claims4.1.3 The Phenomenon4.1.4 The Rhetorical Functions4.2 Lexical Signals for Hypotheticality4.2.1 Hypotheticality in Economics4.2.2 The Detected Signals4.3 Lexical Abstraction Derived from Simplified Unrealistic Models4.3.1 Abstraction in Unrealistic Models4.3.2 The Detected Abstract Words4.4 Particular Usage of First Person Pronoun Plural & Singular4.4.1 The First Person Pronoun4.4.2 The Detected Usage of "we"4.4.3 The Detected Particular "I"4.4.4 Remarks4.5 Metaphor4.5.1 Metaphor & Economics4.5.2 The Detected Metaphors4.5.3 Findings & Remarks4.6 Rhetorical Flourishes: beyond the Words4.6.1 The Rhetorical Structure4.6.2 The Virtual Dialogue4.6.3 Rhetorical Questions4.6.4 Quotations4.6.5 Rhetorical Section and Episode TitlesChapter Ⅴ Discussion: Factors Influencing the Manipulation of Rhetoric in EconomicsChapter Ⅵ Conclusion and Pedagogical Implications6.1 Conclusion6.1.1 Summary of the Thesis6.1.2 Limitations of the Thesis and Suggestions for Further Study6.2 Pedagogical Implications6.2.1 Implication for EE Teaching Material Selecting6.2.2 Implication for EE Writing6.2.3 Implication for EE TranslatingNotesReferencesAppendicesAppendix A: Hedged Knowledge Claims in Chapter 32Appendix B: Occurrence of the First Person Singular Pronoun in Samuelson and Nordhaus's EconomicsAppendix C: Metaphors in Samuelson and Nordhaus's Economics
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标签:修辞论文; 修辞手段论文; 修辞行为论文; 读者意识论文;
探究萨缪尔森和诺德豪斯《经济学》(第17版)一书中的修辞手段 ——应用语言学的角度