Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Background of the Study0.3 Overview of the ThesisChapter 1 Research on English Learning Motivation1.1 Definitions of Motivation1.2 Motivations and Related Theories1.2.1 Integrative Motivation vs Instrumental Motivation1.2.2 Extrinsic Motivation vs Intrinsic Motivation—Self-Determination Theory1.2.3 Resultative Motivation—Skehan's Hypotheses1.3 Other Influential Motivation Theories1.3.1 Attribution Theory1.3.2 Dornyei's Three-level Motivation ConstructChapter 2 Research on English Learning Strategies2.1 Definitions of English Learning Strategies2.2 Classifications of English Learning Strategies2.2.1 O'Malley and Chamot's Classification of English Learning Strategies2.2.2 Oxford's Classification of English Learning Strategies2.3 Research on the Relationship between Motivation and StrategiesChapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 Participants3.2 Instrument3.2.1 Questionnaire for Motivation Investigation3.2.2 Questionnaire for Strategy Use3.3 Data Collection and Data AnalysisChapter 4 Major Findings and Pedagogical Implications4.1 Major Findings of English Learning Motivation4.1.1 Findings of Motivation Types4.1.2 Comparison of Motivation Types Held by Students from Different Majors4.1.3 Comparison of Each Motivation Item Held by Students from Different Majors4.2 Major Findings of English Learning Strategies4.2.1 Findings of Strategy Use4.2.2 Comparison of Strategy Categories Used by Students from Different Majors4.2.3 Comparison of Individual Strategy Used by Students from Different Majors4.3 Major Findings of the Relationship between Motivation and Strategies4.3.1 Relationship between Motivation Types and Strategy Use4.3.2 Relationship between Motivation Intensity and Strategy Use4.4 Major Findings of the Survey4.5 Pedagogical Implications4.5.1 Arousing and Maintaining Intrinsic Motivation4.5.2 Necessary Strategy Training4.5.3 Relaxing,Supportive and Harmonious Classroom Atmosphere4.5.4 Cooperative Group Learning4.5.5 Enriching English Teaching and Learning Resources4.5.6 Helping Learners Set Appropriate English Learning GoalConclusionBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Motivation QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅱ Strategy QuestionnaireAcknowledgements
标签:英语学习动机论文; 英语学习策略论文; 中职生论文;