摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Significance of the Present Research1.3 Research Objectives in This ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Autonomous English learning2.1.1 The definitions and concepts of learner autonomy2.1.2 Development of Autonomous English learning2.2 English learning strategy2.2.1 Definitions of English learning strategies2.2.2 Classification of learning strategies2.2.3 The relationship between learning strategy and learner autonomy2.3 Autonomous learning and strategies training2.3.1 Autonomous training2.3.2 Strategy training2.3.3 The training of autonomous English learning strategiesChapter 3 Methodology of the Research3.1 Research question3.2 Research settings and participants3.3 Instruments3.3.1 The questionnaire3.3.2 Data collection procedures3.4 Experiments for learning strategies3.4.1 Subjects3.4.2 ProceduresChapter 4 Analysis and discussion4.1 Analysis4.1.1 The current situation of learner autonomy in high school4.1.2 The constrains that prevent our learners being antonomous4.1.3 Achievement-test oriented language learning4.1.4 Attitudes towards learning strategy4.2 Discussion4.2.1 improving students' awareness and ability for autonomous English learning through strategy training4.2.2 Experiences gained through trainingChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 The significance of the research5.2 The implications of the researchReferencesAppendix A Questionnaires before trainingAppendix B Questionnaires after trainingAppendix C Questionnaires about Learning StrategiesAppendix D Questionnaires about InterviewingAcknowledgements
标签:英语学习策略论文; 自主学习论文; 高中生论文; 对自主学习的培养论文;