![:A Study on the Theory and Approach of Environmental Impact Assessment in General Land Use Planning论文](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/3441a9a6400c68a4f43c8c0b.webp)
作者(2019)在《A Study on the Theory and Approach of Environmental Impact Assessment in General Land Use Planning》一文中研究指出:In this paper,the theory and approach of environmental impact assessment in general land use planning are studied from different aspects. First,starting from the content and concept of general land use planning,the necessity of environmental impact assessment in general land use planning is illustrated. On the basis of its evaluation theories and methodologies,it attempts to establish index system of environmental impact assessment in general land use planning,and point outs that current general land use planning requires public participation.
In this paper,the theory and approach of environmental impact assessment in general land use planning are studied from different aspects. First,starting from the content and concept of general land use planning,the necessity of environmental impact assessment in general land use planning is illustrated. On the basis of its evaluation theories and methodologies,it attempts to establish index system of environmental impact assessment in general land use planning,and point outs that current general land use planning requires public participation.
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标签:Meteorological and Environmental Research2019年05期论文;
:A Study on the Theory and Approach of Environmental Impact Assessment in General Land Use Planning论文