Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationsList of Tables and FiguresChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research scope1.3 Research aim and significance1.4 The structure of the thesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Researches on news translation2.1.1 News translation researches from linguistic perspectives2.1.2 News translation researches from cultural perspectives2.2 Post-colonial translation study2.2.1 Post-Colonial translation study in the West2.2.2 Post-Colonial translation study in China2.3 SummaryChapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework3.1 The definition of Post-Colonialism3.2 The historical development of Post-Colonialism3.3 Main ideas of Postcolonial translation3.4 The limitations of Post-Colonialism and of its representatives3.5 Translation strategies under Post-colonialism3.5.1 Domesticating and foreignizing strategies under Post-colonialism3.5.2 Translating strategies and identity construction3.5.3 The concept of hybridization and trend of pluralismChapter Ⅳ Research Procedure4.1 Research questions4.2 Research methodology4.2.1 Models adopted4.2.2 Comparison between the two models4.3 Data collection4.4 Data analysisChapter Ⅴ Results and Discussions5.1 The features of hybiridity in C-E soft news translation5.2 Linguistic hybridity in C-E soft news translation5.2.1 Hybridity in the translation of words5.2.1.1 Foreignization5.2.1.2 Domestication5.2.2 Hybridity in the translation of idioms and proverbs5.2.3 Hybridity in the translation of sentences5.3 Cultural hybridity in C-E soft news translation5.3.1 Ecology culture5.3.2 Material culture5.3.3 Social culture5.3.4 Religious culture5.4 SummaryChapter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Findings of the present research6.2 Limitations and suggestions for the future researchReferencesAcknowledgements
标签:杂合论文; 归化论文; 异化论文; 后殖民翻译理论论文; 新闻翻译论文;
基于后殖民翻译理论的软新闻英译杂合研究 ——以《今日中国》为例