摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose of Writing the Thesis1.2 Structure of This Thesis1.3 Data Collection and MethodologyChapter 2 Theories of Metaphor2.1 The Definition of Metaphor2.2 The Development of Metaphor2.2.1 Aristotle’s Comparison Theory2.2.2 Quintillion’s Substitution Theory2.2.3 Richards’Interactions Theory2.3 Theoretical Schools on Metaphor2.3.1 Rhetoric Theory2.3.2 Grammatical Metaphor Theory2.3.3 Cognitive Theory2.3.3.1 The Concept of Cognitive Metaphor2.3.3.2 Lakoff’s Conceptual Metaphor2.3.3.3 Comment on Conceptual Metaphor2.4 Studies on Metaphor in ChinaChapter 3 Theories of Context3.1 Definition of Context3.2 Context Study at Home and Abroad3.2.1 Context Study Abroad3.2.2 Context Study at Home3.3 Pre-cognitive Views of Context3.3.1 Cultural Context3.3.2 Situational Context3.3.3 Context of Co-text3.4 Cognitive Context3.4.1 Definition of Cognitive Context3.4.2 Cognitive Context Study at Home and Abroad3.4.3 Sperber and Wilson’s View on Cognitive Context3.4.4 Classification of Cognitive Context3.4.5 The Basic Characteristics of Cognitive Context3.5 Cognitive Context and MetaphorChapter 4 Exploration of Functions of Cognitive Context in Metaphor Interpretation by Case Study (I)—Functions of Linguistic and Situational Contexts4.1 Restriction Function4.1.1 Case Study from Linguistic Context4.1.1.1 Case Study from Lexical Context4.1.1.2 Case Study from Clausal Context4.1.2 Case Study from Situational Context4.1.2.1 Case Study from Setting4.1.2.2 Case Study from Different Fields4.2 Explanation Function4.2.1 Case Study from Linguistic Context4.2.1.1 Case Study from Lexical Context4.2.1.2 Case Study from Clausal Context4.3 Summary of Functions of Linguistic and Situational Contexts in Metaphor InterpretationChapter 5 Exploration of Functions of Cognitive Context in Metaphor Interpretation by Case Study (II)—Functions of Background Knowledge5.1 Restriction function5.1.1 Case Study from Knowledge Structure5.1.2 Case Study from Cultural Context5.1.2.1 Case Study from National Cultural Context5.1.2.2 Case Study from Regional Cultural Context5.2 Explanation Function5.2.1 Case Study from Knowledge Structure5.2.2 Case Study from Cultural Context5.2.2.1 Case Study from National Cultural Context5.2.2.2 Case Study from Regional Cultural Context5.3 Summary of Functions of Cultural Context in Metaphor InterpretationChapter 6 ConclusionReferences攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果Acknowledgements
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