摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Background and purpose of the Research1.2 Significance of the Research1.3 Methodology of the Research1.4 Structure of the Thesis2 Literature review2.1 Related definition2.1.1 Anxiety2.1.2 Foreign language learning anxiety2.1.3 Left-behind juniors2.2 Theoretical basis2.2.1 Second language acquisition2.2.2 Non-intelligent factors theory2.2.3 Classification of anxiety2.2.3.1 Facilitating Anxiety and Debilitating Anxiety2.2.3.2 Trait, State and Situation-Specific Anxiety2.2.4 Classification of foreign language anxiety2.2.5 Influence of foreign language learning anxiety on foreign language learning2.2.6 Signs of Language Learning Anxiety3 Research Methods3.1 Research subject3.2 Research instrument3.2.1 Juniors' English learning anxieties questionnaire3.2.2 Interviews3.2.3 Classroom observation3.3 Questionnaire validity analysis3.4 Research process4 Data reduction and data analysis4.1 Obvious Difference between Last term’s Final Examination Results of the Left-behind and the Non-left-behind Juniors4.2 Significant Difference between the Left-behind and Non-left-behind shown Independent-samples T Test4.3 Detailed Differences between the Left-behinds and Non-left-behinds shown Independent-samples T Test4.4 Results from Qualitative Studies4.4.1 Classroom Observation4.4.2 Interviews with the teachers4.4.3 Interviews with the left-behind students4.5 Summary of this chapter5 A Case Study5.1 Study objects5.2 Process of the case study5.3 Results of the case study6 Implications of Foreign Language Learning in rural areas6.1 To reduce English learning anxiety from the angle of students6.1.1 To correctly understand their own anxiety6.1.2 To improve their ability to communicate6.1.3 To promote their Self-esteem6.1.4 To own moderate tolerance of ambiguity6.2 To reduce students' English learning anxiety from the angle of teachers6.2.1 To create a harmonious environment of foreign language learning6.2.2 To improve the skill of questioning6.2.3 To affirm student’s positive side and do delay correction or no error correction6.2.4 To focus on cultural knowledge teaching6.3 To reduce students' English learning anxiety from the angle of family and school6.3.1 Family6.3.2 Atmosphere of school7 conclusions7.1 Major Findings7.2 Limitations and Suggested Future ResearchesReferencesAppendix 1Appendix 2
标签:英语学习焦虑论文; 留守初中生论文; 外语学习课堂焦虑量表论文;