AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Purpose of the research1.3 Questions to answer in the research1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Research on thinking abilities of English majors2.2 Studies of intellectual competence2.2.1 The ability to classify patterns2.2.2 The ability to modify behavior adaptively –to learn2.2.3 The ability to reason deductively2.2.4 The ability to reason inductively –to generalize2.2.5 The ability to adapt and use conceptual models2.2.6 The ability to understand2.3 Communication accommodation theoryChapter Three Methodology3.1 Data selection3.2 The analytic framework3.2.1 Deductive Reasoning3.2.2 Inductive Reasoning3.2.3 Classification Ability3.2.4 Accommodation Ability3.3 The procedures for analysis3.3.1 The principles for interpreting3.3.2 AssessmentChapter Four Case Analysis4.1 Case 14.1.1 The consecutive debate4.1.2 The free debate4.1.3 The writing in Chinese4.1.4 A brief summary4.2 Case 24.2.1 The consecutive debate4.2.2 The free debate session4.2.3 The writing in Chinese4.2.4 A brief summery4.3 Case 34.3.1 The consecutive debate4.3.2 The free debate4.3.3 The writing in Chinese4.3.4 A brief summery4.4 Case 44.4.1 The consecutive debate4.4.2 The free debate4.4.3 The writing in Chinese4.4.4 A brief summary4.5 Case 54.5.1 The consecutive debate4.5.2 The free debate4.5.3 The writing in Chinese4.5.4 A brief summaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 The features of thinking abilities5.1.1 Classification5.1.2 Deduction5.1.3 Induction5.1.4 Adaptation5.2 Implications5.3 LimitationsBibliography
标签:英语专业论文; 智性分析论文; 思维能力论文;