AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要List of FiguresList of TablesChapter One Introduction1.1 Rationale for the present research1.2 Data and methodology1.2.1 Values of corpus-based research1.2.2 Data1.2.3 Methodology for the analysis1.3 Objectives of the present study1.4 Outline of the dissertationChapter Two Historical Review2.1 State of the art and problems2.1.1 Previous researches on diachronic evolution of BUGUO and XKAN2.1.2 Previous researches on synchronic aspects of BUGUO and XKAN2.1.3 Why diachronic?2.1.4 Interim summary2.2 Theories relevant to the present research2.2.1 Grammaticalization2.2.2 Historical pragmatics2.2.3 Pragmaticalization2.2.4 Models of semantic change2.2.4.1 Traugott’s view2.2.4.2 Metaphor and metonymy2.2.5 A thumbnail introduction to Construction Grammar2.3 Pragmatic markersChapter Three Pragmatic Functions of BUGUO: A Synchronic Analysis3.1 Data and methodology3.2 Use and functional distribution of BUGUO in the corpus3.3 Pragmatic functions of BUGUO3.3.1 Metalinguistic functions3.3.1.1 Referential contrast3.3.1.2 Pragmatically inferable contrast3.3.2 Metacommunicative functions3.3.2.1 Functional contrast3.3.2.2 Illocutionary contrast3.4 The relationship between the core meaning of BUGUO and its pragmatic functionsChapter Four Pragmaticalization of BUGUO: A Diachronic Analysis4.1 Data, distribution of BUGUO and methodology4.2 Main meanings of GUO4.3 Historical development of BUGUO4.3.1. BUGUO in Old Chinese4.3.1.1 Uses of BUGUO in the Pre-Qin Period4.3.1.2 Uses of BUGUO in the Han Dynasty4.3.1.3 Interim summary4.3.2 BUGUO in Middle Chinese4.3.2.1 Uses of BUGUO in the Six Dynasties period4.3.2.2 Uses of BUGUO in the Tang Dynasty4.3.3 BUGUO in Old Mandarin4.3.3.1 Uses of BUGUO in the Five Dynasties period and the Northern Song Dynasty4.3.3.2 Uses of BUGUO in the Southern Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty4.3.4 BUGUO in Middle Mandarin4.3.4.1 Uses of BUGUO in the Ming Dynasty4.3.4.2 Uses of BUGUO in the Qing Dynasty4.4 Pragmaticalization of BUGUO4.5 Motivations and mechanisms involved in the pragmaticalization of BUGUO4.5.1 Motivations for the pragmaticalization of BUGUO4.5.2 Mechanisms of the pragmaticalization of BUGUO4.5.2.1 Mechanisms at the semantic level4.5.2.2 Mechanisms at the syntactic level4.6 Accompanying changes of the pragmaticalization of BUGUO4.6.1 Phonological changes4.6.2 Semantic changes4.6.3 Syntactic changesChapter Five Pragmatic Functions of XKAN: A Synchronic Analysis5.1 Data and methodology5.2 XKAN: PM use vs. Non-PM use5.3 Use and distribution of WOKAN and NIKAN in the corpus5.4 Pragmatic functions of WOKAN5.4.1 Self-quotation5.4.1.1 Self-quotation I: WOKAN as a politeness marker5.4.1.2 Self-quotation II: WOKAN as an emphasiser5.4.2 WOKAN as a hesitation marker5.5 Pragmatic functions of NIKAN5.5.1 NIKAN as an attention getter5.5.2 NIKAN as a coherence builder5.5.3 NIKAN as a politeness marker5.5.4 NIKAN as a turn yielder5.6 XKAN as markers of interpersonal involvement5.6.1 “Involvement”in the present study5.6.2 Discussion5.6.2.1 Use of WOKAN for addresser-involvement5.6.2.2 Use of NIKAN for addressee-involvementChapter Six Pragmaticalization of XKAN: A Diachronic Analysis6.1 Distribution of WOKAN and NIKAN and methodology6.2 Core meanings of KAN6.3 Historical development of XKAN6.3.1 Historical development of WOKAN6.3.1.1 WOKAN in Old Mandarin6.3.1.2 WOKAN in Middle Mandarin6.3.1.3 Interim summary6.3.2 Historical development of NIKAN6.3.2.1 NIKAN in Middle Chinese6.3.2.2 NIKAN in Old Mandarin6.3.2.3 NIKAN in Middle Mandarin6.3.2.4 Interim summary6.4 Pragmaticalization of XKAN6.5 Motivations and mechanisms involved in the pragmaticalization of XKAN6.5.1 Motivations for the pragmaticalization of XKAN6.5.2 Mechanisms of the pragmaticalization of XKAN6.5.2.1 Mechanisms at the semantic level6.5.2.2 Mechanisms at the syntactic level6.6 Accompanying changes of the pragmaticalization of XKAN6.6.1 Phonological changes6.6.2 Semantic changes6.6.3 Syntactic changesChapter Seven Historical Development of BUGUO and XKAN: Cases of Pragmaticalization7.1 Previous studies on the rise of pragmatic markers7.2 Historical development of pragmatic markers as an instance of pragmaticalization7.2.1 Grammar vs. pragmatics7.2.2 Discussion7.2.2.1 Arguing against Lehmann’s approach7.2.2.2 Arguing against Traugott’s approach7.3 “Pragmaticalization”reconsideredChapter Eight Conclusion8.1 Findings of this study8.2 Limitations of this study and implications for future studyReferencesAppendix: A Brief Chronology of Chinese History
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标签:语用标记论文; 汉语论文; 语用法化论文; 语法化论文; 共时论文; 历时分析论文;
汉语语用标记之语用法化研究 ——基于语料库对“不过”与“X看”结构的历时、共时侧面所做的探究