AcknowledgementsTable of ContentsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseChapter 1. IntroductionChapter 2. Previous Development of Court Interpreting2.1 Court Interpreting in the West2.2 Court Interpreting in ChinaChapter 3. The Standard of Accuracy of Court Interpreting3.1 The Strict Standard of Accuracy---the Verbatim Requirement3.2 Problems Caused by the Verbatim Requirement in Practice3.2.1 Linguistic Perspective3.2.2 Non-linguistic Sounds3.2.3 Complexities Caused by Cultural IssuesChapter 4. The Application of Meaning-based Approach in Court Interpreting4.1 Theoretical Grounds to Abandon the Verbatim Requirement and the Conduit View4.2 Attention to the Meaning-based Approach from the Legal Interpreting Circle4.3 Literature Review---Seleskovitch Model of Interpretation and the Meaning-based Theory4.4 Demonstration of the Application of Meaning-based Approach in Court InterpretingChapter 5. Consecutive Interpreting---the Better Mode in Legal Setting5.1 Theoretical Analysis of the Quality Difference5.2 Empirical Studies on the Quality Difference Between Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting and Its Reasons5.3 Practical Reasons for Chinese Courts to Keep the Consecutive ModeChapter 6.ConclusionNotesBibliography
标签:法庭口译论文; 准确性论文; 逐字直译论文; 口译方法论文; 口译模式论文;