AcknowledgementsChinese abstractEnglish abstract1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Significance of the study1.2 Research questions of the study1.3 Organization of the thesis2. THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE PRESENT STUDY2.1 Studies of metapragmatics2.1.1 Perception and representation2.1.2 Planning2.1.3 Memory2.1.4 Degrees of consciousness2.1.5 Metapragmatic awareness2.1.6 Indicators of metapragmatic awareness2.1.7 Self-monitoring2.2 Studies of metadiscourse2.2.1 Introduction to metadiscourse2.2.2 Concept of metadiscourse2.2.3 Classification and function of the textual and interpersonal metadiscourse2.2.4 Previous research on metadiscourse2.3 Interpersonal system of functional grammar2.3.1 Mood2.3.2 Modality2.3.3 Polarity2.3.4 Metaphors of modality2.4 Metadiscourse and the textual and interpersonal meanings—an analysis3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Hypothesis3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.4 Pre-test3.5 The procedures of teaching metadiscourse markers3.5.1 Stating objectives for the course3.5.2 Order of presentation3.5.3 Defining metadiscourse markers and explaining function3.5.4 Using examples to explain metadiscourse markers3.5.5 Assigning practice with corrective feedback3.5.6 Evaluating3.6 Post-test3.7 Data collection4. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS4.1 Analysis of the scores4.2 Analysis of metadiscourse markers4.2.1 Logical connectives4.2.2 Reminders4.2.3 Illocution markers4.2.4 Emphatics4.2.5 Hedges4.2.6 Modal verbs4.2.7 Attitude markers4.2.8 Commentaries4.2.9 Attributors4.3 Pedagogical implications5. CONCLUSION5.1 Findings5.2 Limitations of the study5.3 Suggestions for future researchReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix Ⅳ
标签:元语用意识论文; 元话语标记论文; 语篇意义论文; 人际意义论文; 学生的写作能力论文;