本文采用跨文化比较的方法,对中、美、英三种电影简介文本做了体裁材分析,旨在发现文化对这种文本的影响,从而更好的理解和运用这种体裁。本研究从一个假设―――在实现同样的交际意图时,不同的文化要求不同的文本结构和语言形式―――出发,提出了两个问题:1)果真有所谓的对应文化所特有的语言和结构模式吗? 2)如果有,这种结构和模式在这三种文本中各是什么样子的?导致这种模式的文化原因又是什么呢?为了回答研究所提出的问题,本文以ESP流派的体裁分析理论为基础并发展了Bhatia的研究模式和方法,对所收集的三种文本各30篇作了详细的研究和对比。结果发现:1)这种文本确实有与之文化相对应的体裁结构特征,比如不同的文化中对不同的语步所采取的交际策略、对不同语步的使用偏好以及实现某些语步所采用的方法等都是受其文化影响的;另外2)由于该三种文本的交际意图相同,所以它们不仅在体裁结构上相一致,而且语言的运用都表现出很大的相似性,这说明该体裁模式在宏观上受文化的影响不是很大。针对这些相同点和不同点,本文从跨文化的角度对导致这些异同的原因进行了分析。本研究有助于更好地理解和应用电影简介这种体裁,特别是在不同的文化背景中如何理解和应用好这种体裁,从而和观众作更好的交流,以赢得在电影市场上的主动这一方面,意义重大。
摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 the Origin of the Present Study1.2 the Significance of the Study1.3 A General Introduction to the Present Study1.4 Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review: Basic Theoretical Background of the Study2.1 Review of the genre theories2.1.1 Genre theories and researches from cultural perspective2.1.2 The Development of Genre Theory2.1.3 Three Genre Traditions2.1.4 Application of ESP Approach to the Current Study2.1.5 The development of genre analysis at home2.1.6 Limitation of the Past Studies2.2 Theories on culture and communication2.2.1 The concept of culture2.2.2 Communication and Intercultural Communication2.2.3 Cultural patterns---Some relevant theories in the intercultural communication2.3 Kaplan’s Study and Other Contrastive Studies between Cultures2.4 SummaryChapter Three Analyzing Model, Theoretical Framework and Data Collection3.1 Overview3.2 Bhatia’s Analyzing Model3.3 Culture-orientated Analyzing Model and Theoretical Framework of the Present study3.4 The Hypothesis and Specific Research Questions.3.5 Data Collection3.5.1 Principles of Selecting Data3.5.2 Selection of Samples3.6 Methodology and Data AnalysisChapter Four Result and Discussion4.1 Overview4.2 Communicative purpose4.2.1 Concept of Summary4.2.2 Plot Summaries of Movies and the Communicative Purposes Shared4.3 Identification of Moves and Strategies4.3.1 The Move Structure in Chinese Samples4.3.2 Move Structures of British Texts4.3.3 Move structure and the American samples4.3.4 General Results4.4 Discussion4.4.1 Differences between Chinese, American and British plot-summaries4.4.2 Features Shared by the Three Kinds of Texts.4.4.3 Universal Cultural Sensitive4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion and Implication5.1 Overview5.2 Summary of the Findings5.3 Implications of the Present Study5.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Future StudiesReferenceAppendix
标签:体裁分析论文; 跨文化对比论文; 交际意图论文; 电影简介论文;