AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.0 Introduction1.1 Research motive1.2 Structure of the paper1.3 SummaryChapter 2 Literature Review2.0 Introduction2.1 Tense and aspect in English2.1.1 Tense2.1.2 Aspect2.2 The simple past tense2.2.1 The core meaning2.2.2 The concept of ‘backshifting’(Huddleston,1984)2.2.3 Further uses of past tense2.2.4.A ttitudinal past (Quirk et al. 1972: 86)2.2.5.T he notion of ‘factual remoteness’(Huddleston, 1984)2.3 Present perfect aspect2.4 Similarities and differences between the simple past and the persent perfect2.4.1 In terms of definitions2.4.2 In terms of the collocations with time adverbials2.5 Tense and aspect in Chinese2.5.1 Chinese aspect marker “le”2.5.2 The compatibility of “le”with various temporal expressions2.6 The related studies at abroad2.7 The related studies in China2.8 Problems or blanks in the current studies2.9 SummaryChapter 3 Experiment 13.0 Introduction3.1 Research questions3.2 Participants involved in the experiments and the data validity3.2.1 Participants and data3.2.2 The data validity3.3 Question sources and time limitation3.3.1 Questions sources3.3.2 Questions and time limitation3.4 Forms of Experiment 13.5 Data collection3.6 The data and results for Experiment 13.7 SummaryChapter 4 Experiment 24.0 Introduction4.1 Research questions4.2 Participants involved in the experiments and the data validity4.2.1 Participants and data4.2.2 The data validity4.3 Question sources and time limitation4.3.1 Questions sources4.3.2 Questions and time limitation4.4 Forms of Experiment 14.5 Data collection4.6 The data and results for Experiment 14.7 SummaryChapter 5 AnalysisChapter 6 Pedagogic Implications6.0 Introduction6.1 Implications from the perspective of the tense knowledge proper6.2 Implications from the perspective of related SLA theories6.2.1 Positive evidence6.2.2 Focused noticing6.3 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.0 Introduction7.1 Summary for Experiment 17.2 Summary for Experiment 27.3 Teaching Implications7.4 Limitations of the present research7.5 SummaryAppendix AAppendix BReferences
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标签:一般过去时论文; 现在完成时论文; 时间表达论文; 时态连贯性论文;