摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Origin and Significance of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review of Semantic Fuzziness2.1 An Overview of Origin and Development of Semantic Fuzziness2.1.1 Definition of Semantic Fuzziness2.1.2 Origin and Development of Semantic Fuzziness2.1.3 Distinction Among Generality, Vagueness, Ambiguity and Fuzziness2.1.4 Basic Features of Semantic Fuzziness2.2 Different Approaches to Semantic FuzzinessChapter 3 Semantic Field Theory3.1 Origin of Semantic Field Theory3.2 Basic Concepts of Semantic Field Theory3.3 Evaluation on Semantic Field Theory3.4 Motivations for Interpreting Semantic Fuzziness Through Semantic Field Theory3.5 Approches to Studying Semantic Fuzziness Through Semantic Field TheoryChapter 4 An Analysis of Semantic Fuzziness Through Semantic Field Theory4.1 Semantic Fuzziness in Different Types of Semantic Field4.1.1 Fuzziness of Sememes in Synonymous Field4.1.2 Fuzziness of Sememes in Coordinative Field4.1.3 Fuzziness of Sememes in Contrary Field4.1.4 Fuzziness of Sememes in Contradictory Field4.1.5 Fuzziness of Sememes in Sequential Field4.2 Semantic Fuzziness in the Corresponding Fields in Different Languages4.2.1 Semantic Fuzziness in Kinship Field in English, Chinese and Japanese4.2.2 Semantic Fuzziness Caused by Lexion GapChapter 5 Deficiencies of Semantic Fields in Interpreting Semantic Fuzziness5.1 Semantic Fuzziness that Cannot be Interpreted by Semantic Field Theory5.2 Deficiencies of Semantic Field TheoryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Main Points and Contributions of the Study6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:语义场论文; 语义场理论论文; 语义模糊论文; 义素模糊论文;