摘要AbstractList of tables and figureChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the research1.2 Objectives and research questions1.3 Significance of research1.4 Thesis organizationChapter Two Literature review2.1 Researches on language and gender2.1.1 Early researches on language and gender2.1.2 Recent researches on language and gender2.2 Studies of gender difference in the strategies of conversational Interaction2.2.1 Studies of gender difference in amount of speech2.2.2 Studies of gender difference in interruption2.2.3 Studies of gender difference in minimal response2.2.4 Studies of gender difference in silence2.2.5 Studies of gender difference in conversational topics2.3 Studies of gender difference about fictional speechChapter Three Theoretical foundation3.1 Conversation analysis model3.1.1 Turn-taking system3.1.2 Topic management3.2 The rationale to choose Chinese Style Divorce as the dataChapter Four Data analysis of gender difference in Chinese Style Divorce4.1 Turn-taking analysis of gender difference in Chinese Style Divorce4.1.1 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of amount of speech4.1.2 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of interrupti4.1.3 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of overlap4.1.4 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of minimal response4.1.5 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of silence4.2 Topic management analysis of gender difference in Chinese Style Divorce4.2.1 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of topic4.2.2 The analysis of gender difference from the perspective of topic controlChapter Five Findings and discussion5.1 Major findings5.1.1 Answers to the research questions5.1.2 Major findings of gender difference in conversational interaction5.2 Explanations to the gender difference in conversational interactionChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Limitations6.2 ImplicationsBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间的研究成果
标签:性别差异论文; 会话交际论文; 交际策略论文;