
Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The background of the research1.1.1 The situations and problems of English writing in China1.1.2 Two approaches used in teaching writing1.2 The significance of the study1.3 An outline of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1.A pproaches to teaching writing2.2 Process approach2.2.1 Background of Process Approach2.2.2 Stages in process approach2.2.3 Feedback in process approach2.2.4 The role of teachers in process writing2.2.5 Effects of process approach2.3 Product approach2.4 Related studies of process approach in China2.5 Comparing product and process approach2.6 Process approach and cooperative learning2.7 A brief introduction to learning in self-access learning center2.8 Application of process writing approach in self-access learning centerChapter Three Research Method3.1 Research questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Research instrument and procedures3.3.1 Questionnaires and interview3.3.2 Pretest-topic writing3.3.3 Posttest-data from CET4 in 2007.123.3.4 Data analysisChapter Four Process-Writing Experiment4.1.A ssign a meaningful and interesting theme for writing4.2 Brainstorming and mind map4.3 Drafting4.4 Revising and reviewing4.5 Peer feedback and evaluation4.6 Teacher evaluation4.7 Sharing4.8 An example of process writing class4.8.1 Teaching procedure in a process approach class4.8.2 Some problems in writing classChapter Five Results and Discussion5.1 Analysis of questionnaires:5.1.1 Questionnaire I5.1.2 Questionnaire II5.1.3 Conclusion of two questionnaires5.2 Data analysis of pretest and posttest5.2.1 Analysis of topic writing (pretest)5.2.2 Analysis and discussion of result in CET 45.2.3 Conclusion of pretest and posttest5.3 Discussion of Interview5.3.1 The purpose of writing5.3.2 Students’response on method of teaching writing in self-access center5.3.3 Conclusion of interview5.4 Pedagogical implications of process approach to non-major English writing in self-access learning centerChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major findings of this study6.2 Limitations of the study6.3 Suggestions for further researchBibliographyAppendixAppendix I Pre-experimental Questionnaire IAppendix II Writing Attitudes Questionnaire IIAppendix III InterviewAppendix IV Raw scores for writing testsAppendix V An example of process writing class1. Supplementary material of the topic2. Some arguments for man’s power or for nature’s forces2.1 For man’s power:2.2 For nature’s forces3. Students’peer feedback4. Final draftPublicationsAcknowledgments
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标签:过程写作法论文; 成果写作法论文; 合作学习论文; 自主学习论文;