摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Western Language Philosophy Studies Concerning the Status of TLT-R1.1 Philosophical Hermeneutics and TLT-R1.1.1 Contemporary Western Philosophical Hermeneutics and TLT-R1.1.2 Contemporary American Methodological Hermeneutics and TLT-R1.2 Deconstruction of Translation and TLT-R1.3 Reception Aesthetics and TLT-RChapter 2 Translation Theories Derived from Language Philosophy and TLT-R2.1 The Dynamic Equivalence Theories and TLT-R2.2 Semantic and Communicative Translation Theories and TLT-RChapter 3 TLT Reader's Dynamic Influence on Translation Practice3.1 The Influence of TLT Reader's Cultural Association3.2 The Influence of TLT Reader's Thinking Patterns3.3 The Delayed Influence of TLT Reader3.4 TLT Reader's Influence on the Choice of SLTChapter 4 The Influence of TLT Reader's Aesthetic Orientation on Translation4.1 The Influence of TLT Reader's Linguistic Aesthetic Features on Translation4.2 The Influence of TLT Reader's Cultural Aesthetic Features on Translation4.3 The Influence of TLT Reader's Aesthetic Emotion Orientation on TranslationChapter 5 TLT Reader's Influence on Translation CriteriaConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:语言哲学论文; 翻译理论论文; 译文读者论文; 地位论文; 影响论文;