Abstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Studies at Home and Abroad1.2.1 The Latest Findings Abroad1.2.2 The Latest Findings at Home1.3 The Framework of the StudyChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Hypotheses in Second Language Learning2.1.1 Krashen’s Input Theory2.1.2 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis2.2 Anxiety and Language Anxiety2.2.1 What is Anxiety2.2.2 What is Language Anxiety2.2.3 The Nature of Language Anxiety2.3 The Classifications of Learning Anxiety2.3.1 Test Anxiety2.3.2 Fear of Negative Evaluation2.3.3 Communication Apprehension2.4 Influence of Language Anxiety on Language Learning2.4.1 Facilitating Anxiety2.4.2 Debilitating AnxietyChapter Three An Empirical Study3.1 Research Question3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments and Procedure3.3.1 Questionnaires3.3.2 Interviews3.3.3 Document Collection3.4 Analysis and Findings of the Study3.4.1 Analysis and Findings of the Questionnaires3.4.2 Analysis and Findings of Language Anxiety and Language Achievement3.4.3 Analysis and Findings of the Interviews3.5 SummaryChapter Four Possible Ways to Ease Anxiety in English Learning4.1 Creating a Relaxing and Pleasant Learning Environment4.2 Giving Comprehensible Input4.3 Being a Popular Facilitator4.4 Adopting Flexible Approaches4.5 Using Cooperative Methods4.6 Changing Learners’ Beliefs about Language LearningChapter Five Conclusion and implications5.1 Conclusion of the Study5.2 Limitations of the Study5.3 Suggestions for Future ResearchREFERENCEAppendix IAppendix II
标签:语言焦虑论文; 学习者论文; 教师的作用论文;