ABSTRACT内容摘要Chapter Ⅰ IntroductionChapter Ⅱ Overview of footwear industry2.1 Overview of footwear industry2.2 Status quo of footwear industry2.2.1 The status quo of footwear industry in China2.2.2 The distribution of footwear industry in the worldChapter Ⅲ Trade Barriers in EU and Their Effects on Chinese Footwear industry3.1 Non-tariff barriers3.2 Anti-dumping3.3 The effects that EU trade barriers bring to Chinese footwear industry3.3.1 Negative effects3.3.2 Positive effectsChapter Ⅳ The EU' resistance to Chinese footwear and Chinese footwear industry's responses4.1 The reasons why the EU resists Chinese shoes4.1.1 The damages that Chinese footwear industry brought to the EU4.1.2 The attitudes towards Chinese shoes among EU member countries4.1.3 The reasons why the EU set trade barriers to Chinese footwear products4.2 Chinese footwear industry's response to EU anti-dumping and solutions4.2.1 Chinese footwear industry's response to EU anti-dumping4.2.2 Appeal is the only solution for antidumpingChapter Ⅴ SWOT analyses on Chinese footwear industry5.1 Strength5.2 Weakness5.3 Opportunity5.4 ThreatChapter Ⅵ Countermeasures6.1 Government6.2 Industry association6.3 EnterprisesChapter Ⅶ ConclusionREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:鞋业论文; 反倾销论文; 欧盟论文;