
Abstract摘要List of TablesList of FiguresList of AppendicesList of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Statement of the Problem1.2 Objectives of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.3.1 Theoretical Significance1.3.2 Methodological Significance1.3.3 Pedagogical Significance1.4 Outline of the DissertationChapter Two Review of Previous Studies of Motivation2.1 Motivation Defined2.2 Motivational Theories in Psychology and Education2.2.1 Behavioristic Perspective and Reinforcement2.2.2 Humanistic Perspective and Human Needs2.2.3 Cognitive Perspectives and Human Beliefs2.2.3.1 Expectancy-value Theories2.2.3.2 Self-efficacy2.2.3.3 Attribution2.2.3.4 Goal Theories2. Goal Orientation Theory2. Goal Structures2. Goal Setting Theory2. Other Theories Related to Goals2.2.3.5 Self-Determination Theory2.2.4 Interactive Perspective and Social Influence2.2.4.1 Social Cognitive Approaches2.2.4.2 Socio-cultural Approaches2.3 The Study of Affect in Education2.3.1 Interest2.3.2 Anxiety2.4 The Study of Classroom Motivation in Educational Psychology2.4.1 Classroom Tasks2.4.2 Instructional Practice2.4.3 Classroom Relationships2.5 Motivational Studies in SLA2.5.1 Theoretical Construction of Second/Foreign Language Learning Motivation2.5.1.1 Gardner's Socio-educational Model2.5.1.2 Crookes and Schmidt' Framework2.5.1.3 Oxford and Shearin's Framework2.5.1.4 Schumann's Biological Model2.5.1.5 Williams and Burden's Social Constructivist Model2.5.1.6 D(o|¨)rnyei's Foreign Language Learning Motivation Model2.5.1.7 The Expanded Model of Gardner2.5.1.8 Evaluation of the Theoretical Frameworks2.5.2 Empirical Studies of Second/Foreign Language Learning Motivation2.5.2.1 Studies of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation2.5.2.2 Studies of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation2.5.2.3 Studies of Cognitive Factors of Motivation2.5.2.4 Studies of Affective Factors of Motivation2.5.2.5 Studies of Classroom Factors2.5.2.6 Studies of Learning Strategies and Other Variables2.6 Motivational Studies in China2.7 Evaluation of Motivational Studies and Research Gaps2.8 SummaryChapter Three Conceptual Model of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation3.1 The Social Constructivist Perspective3.2 A Conceptual Model of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation3.3 Working Definition of Motivation and Variables Included in the Model3.3.1 Motivation Redefined3.3.2 Internal Factors3.3.3 External Factors3.3.4 Learning Behavior3.4 Excluded Factors3.5 SummaryChapter Four Research Design4.1 Research Design for the Quantitative Study4.1.1 Research Hypotheses4.1.2 Subjects4.1.3 Instruments4.1.3.1 Questionnaire of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation4. Points Considered in the Construction of the Questionnaire4. Structure of the Questionnaire4. Content of the Questionnaire4. Sources of the Questionnaire Items4. Description of the Development of the Questionnaire4.1.4 Data Collection4.1.5 Data Analysis4.1.6 Construction of the Model of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation4.1.6.1 SEM Modeling4.1.6.2 Preparation of the Observed and Latent Variables4.1.6.3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Variables4.2 Research Design for the Qualitative Study4.2.1 Objectives4.2.2 Subjects4.2.3 Instruments4.2.3.1 The open-ended question4.2.3.2 The Retrospective Description of an English Class4.2.3.3 Interview4.2.3.4 Final Examination Scores4.2.4 Data Collection4.2.5 Data Analysis4.3 SummaryChapter Five Results and Discussion5.1 Construction of the Model of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation5.1.1 Descriptive Statistics and Structural Validity of the Attribution Scales5.1.2 Descriptive Statistics and Structural Validity of the Motivation Inventory5.1.3 Description and Interpretation of the Model5.1.3.1 The Overall Model5.1.3.2 The Effects of Internal Factors on Learning Behavior5.1.3.3 The Effects of External Factors on Learning Behavior5.2 Comparisons Between Different Types of Students on the Basis of the Model5.2.1 Gender Differences5.2.1.1 Differences Between Male and Female Students5.2.1.2 Path Differences Between Male and Female Students5.2.2 Differences Between English Majors and Non-English Majors5.2.3 Differences Between Successful and Less Successful Students5.3 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.1.1 Findings Concerning the Effects of Motivational Factors on Students' Learning Behavior6.1.2 Findings Concerning the Comparison Between Different Types of Students6.2 Implications of the Study6.2.1 Theoretical Implications6.2.2 Methodological Implications6.2.3 Pedagogical Implications6.2.3.1 Having a Comprehensive Understanding of EFL Classroom Learning Motivation6.2.3.2 Promoting Motivation in EFL Classrooms6.3 Limitations of the Study6.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchReferencesAppendicesAcknowledgementsPublications学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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标签:外语学习动机论文; 课堂论文; 内在因素论文; 外在因素论文; 学习行为论文;