论文题目: 大学英语精读课堂教学中的文化教学
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 陈鲁宁
导师: 张红玲
关键词: 文化教学,大学英语精读课,跨文化交际能力
文献来源: 上海外国语大学
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 本文从对语言与文化的关系,新世纪社会形势的分析入手,指出外语教学应注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力,外语教师应将文化教学融入外语课堂教学。随后的部分是有关文化教学研究的文献综述,目的是为作者的观点提供理论支持,同时也显示中国目前关于大学英语精读课堂中的文化教学的研究不足的现实。论文采用了书面调查和课堂观摩的方法对目前大学英语精读教学中的文化教学现状进行了调查研究,研究结果表明:虽然教师们已认识到文化教学的重要性,但他们对文化教学的理解及课堂教学中的实施还存在不足。针对调查发现的问题,作者就文化教学的原则和方法提出了建议,最后设计了一个大学英语精读教学的教案,详尽地描述了教学过程及方法,反映了作者对将文化教学融入大学英语精读教学课堂的理解。
Chapter 1 The Rationale of Integrating Culture Teaching into the Language Class
1.1 Language and Culture: Definitions and Properties
1.1.1 Language: definitions and properties
1.1.2 Culture: definitions and properties
1.2 Language and Culture Connection
1.2.1 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
1.2.2 A summary of the relationship of language and culture
1.3 Foreign Language Teaching in Its Social Background
1.3.1 Globalization: a theme of the world
1.3.2 Demands of the changing situation for foreign language teaching reform
1.4 The Necessity of Integrating Culture with Language Teaching
1.4.1 Language teaching and culture teaching
1.4.2 Main goals of foreign language teaching
Chapter 2 Theoretical Bases for Culture Teaching
2.1 The Nature of Culture Teaching
2.1.1 Viewing culture teaching as a process
2.1.2 Kleinjans’culture leaning matrix
2.2 Setting Goals
2.2.1 Seelye’s instructional goals
2.2.2 Developing five abilities suggested by Moorjani and Field
2.2.3 Culture teaching goals suggested by Lafagette
2.3 What Culture Should We Teach: Three Models of Culture Teaching
2.3.1 Focusing on cultural information
2.3.2 Situating culture with an interpretive framework
2.3.3 Seeing culture as a place of struggle between the learners’meanings and those of native speakers
2.3.4 Implications drawn from the models
Chapter 3 Applied Theory for Culture Teaching and Assessment
3.1 Culture Teaching Methodology
3.1.1 A brief description of the studies on culture teaching methodology
3.1.2 Suggested approach, methods and techniques for culture teaching
3.2 Assessing Cultural Learning
3.2.1 Issues in the assessment of culture learning
3.2.2 Assessment models
3.3 Studies of Chinese Scholars on Culture Teaching
Chapter 4 Current Situation of Culture Teaching in the College English Intensive Reading Class----An Empirical Study
4.1 A Description of College English Intensive Reading Course
4.2 An Empirical Study
4.2.1 Written survey
4.2.2 Class observation
4.3 Research Findings
4.3.1 Analysis of the written survey
4.3.2 Analysis of the class observation
4.4 Considerations in Integrating Culture Teaching into the College English Intensive Reading Class
4.4.1 Taking the College English Intensive Reading classroom as a site of cross-cultural fieldwork
4.4.2 Principles for integrating language and culture teaching
4.4.3 Criteria to adapt and use culturally sensitive teaching activities properly
Chapter 5 A Model Lesson Plan of College English Intensive Reading Course
Concluding Remarks
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
发布时间: 2006-12-30
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