Abstract(Chinese)Abstract(English)Synopsis(Chinese)Synopsis(English)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research Orientation1.2 The significance of research1.2.1 The importance of vocabulary in language learning in high school1.2.2 The demands of the syllabus1.2.3 Finding out the practical English learning situation of most senior students1.3 Key research questions1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Theoretical Basis of Vocabulary Memory2.1 Techniques and Strategies of Vocabulary Memory2.1.1 Listing some ways of vocabulary memory2.1.2 Esteeming association memory strategies2.2 Theoretical Foundations for Association Memory Strategies2.2.1 The definition of memory and three kinds of memory2.2.2 The relationship between memory and association2.2.3 The cognitive basis of association memory2.2.4.The rationales of association memory2.3 Specific Association Memory Strategies2.3.1 Sound association2.3.2 Word form association2.3.3 Word meaning associationChapter Three A Review of the Relevant Studies on Association Memory Strategies3.1 The study on the effects of association memory3.2 The study on the training effectiveness of association memory strategiesChapter Four An Experiment on the Effectiveness of Association Memory Strategies4.1 Objective of the study4.2 Subjects4.3 Procedures4.3.1 Pre-test4.3.2 Instructions4.3.3 Experiment materials4.3.4 Post-test4.4 Results4.5 Analysis and discussion4.5.1 Sensory register4.5.2 Short-term memory4.5.3 Long-term memoryChapter Five Conclusions and Recommendation for Further Research5.1 Conclusions5.2 Limitations and suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAppendix ⅤAcknowledgement
标签:新课程标准论文; 词汇记忆策略论文; 效果实证研究论文;