Acknowledgement摘要ABSTRACTChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Business negotiation2.1. Abrief introduction to business negotiation2.1.1 What is business negotiation?2.1.2 What is business negotiation for?2.1 Cross-cultural business negotiation2.1.1 Introduction to cross-cultural business negotiation2.1.2 Cultural differences occurring in cross-cultural business negotiation2.1.2.1 Difference in way of thinking2.1.2.2 Difference in values2.1.2.3 Difference in negotiating stylesChapter Three Discourse analysis of business negotiation3.1 The development of discourse analysis3.2 Discourse and discourse analysis3.2.1 Discourse3.2.2 Discourse analysis3.2.2.1 The language form3.2.2.2 Speech act3.3 Different discourse pattern in business negotiation3.3.1 Different Chinese and English discourse pattern in general3.3.2 Different Chinese and English discourse patterns in business negotiation3.3.2.1 Indirect vs. direct3.3.2.2 C-B-S vs. Harmony3.3.2.3 Different attitudes towards politeness and face3.3.2.4 Different attitudes towards interpersonal relationship3.4 Discourse analysis of business negotiation3.4.1 Discourse cohesion3.4.1.1 Reference3.4.1.2 Ellipsis and substitution3.4.1.3 Conjunction3.4.1.4 Lexical cohesion3.4.1.5 Parallelism3.4.2 Speech acts3.4.3 Conversational principle3.4.3.1 Cooperative principle3.4.3.2 Politeness principle3.4.4 The context of discourse3.4.4.1 Situational context3.4.4.2 Cultural contextChapter Four Relevance Theory of Translation4.1 The origin and development of the Relevance Theory4.2 Literature review of Relevance Theory and translation4.3 A relevance-theoretic view on translation4.4 Basics of relevance theory4.5 Reason for applying relevance theory in business negotiation translationChapter Five Application of RT to business negotiation5.1 Application of RT to vagueness5.2 Application of RT to humorous utterance5.3 Application of RT to euphemistic expression5.3.1 Application of RT to indirectness5.3.2 Application of RT to fuzzy wording5.4 Application of RT to idioms5.5 Application of RT to some culture-loaded expressionsChapter Six ConclusionBibliography
标签:商务谈判论文; 语篇分析论文; 关联理论论文;