![语境关系顺应视角下的文学翻译 ——以《边城》英译本为例](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/396a926ef3bcad78e232ed8c.webp)
摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 An Overview of Adaptation Theory1.1 Verschueren‘s Adaptation Theory1.1.1 Language Use as a Process of Making Choice1.1.2 Hierarchically Related Properties of Language1.1.3 Four Angles of Adaptability Investigations1.2.Context Adaptation1.2.1.Studies on Context Abroad1.2.2 Studies on Context in China1.2.3 Verschueren‘s View on Context Adaptation1.2.3.1 The General Picture of Context1.2.3.2 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability1.2.4 Studies Related to Context AdaptationChapter 2 Framework of Contextual Correlates of Adaptability in Literary Translati2.1 Context in Literary Translation2.1.1 The Significance of Context in Literary Translation2.1.2 The Features of Literary Language and Its Manifestation in Translati2.2 Framework of Contextual Correlates of Adaptability in Literary Translation2.2.1 Adaptation to Linguistic Context2.2.2 Adaptation to Communicative ContextChapter 3 Application of Contextual Correlates of Adaptability to the Translation of Bian Cheng3.1 Introduction to Bian Cheng3.2 Application of Communicative Context Adaptation in Bian Cheng3.2.1 Adaptation to the Physical World3.2.1.1 Adaptation to Material Dimension3.2.1.2 Adaptation to Spatial Dimension3.2.2 Adaptation to the Mental World3.2.2.1 Adaptation to the Author‘s Emotion3.2.2.2 Adaptation to the Characters‘Personality3.2.2.3 Adaptation to Target Readers‘Cognitive Ability3.2.3 Adaptation to the Social World3.2.3.1 Adaptation to Social Settings and Institutions3.2.3.2 Adaptation to Social Culture3.3.Application of Linguistic Context Adaptation in Bian Cheng3.3.1 Adaptation to Contextual Cohesion3.3.2 Adaptation to Intertextuality3.3.3 Adaptation to Sequencing3.4 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:语言语境论文; 交际语境论文; 语境关系顺应论文; 边城论文;
语境关系顺应视角下的文学翻译 ——以《边城》英译本为例