AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Recent Studies of Functionalist Theories in China1.2 Features of This Thesis1.3 The Structure of the ThesisChapter Two An Overview of Functionalist Approaches2.1 Early Views and Theories Influencing the Functionalist Approaches2.2 Historical Overview of the German Functionalist School2.2.1 Katharina Reiss and the Functional Category of Translation Criticism2.2.2 Justa Holz-M?ntt?ri and the Theory of Translational Action2.2.3 Skopostheorie and Translation brief2.2.3.1 Skopostheorie2.2.3.2 Translation Brief2.2.4 Christiane Nord’s Contribution to Functionalist Theories of Translation2.2.4.1 Documentary translation and Instrumental translation2.2.4.2 Function Plus Loyalty Approach2.2.4.3 Functionalism in Translator Training2.2.5 Functionalism in Literary Translation2.2.5.1 Features of Literary Texts2.2.5.2 Equivalence in Literary Translation2.2.5.3 Functionalism in Literary TranslationChapter Three Application of Skopostheorie in the Translation of Tess of the d’urbervilles3.1 An Introduction to Thomas Hardy and His Tess of the D’Urbervilles3.2 An Introduction to Translator Zhang Guruo3.3 The Skopos Rule and Translation Brief3.3.1 Translation Brief3.3.2 Zhang Guruo’s Skopos in the Translation of Tess of the D’Urbervilles3.3.3 Four-Character Phrase3.3.4 Reduplicated Words3.3.5 Annotation3.3.5.1 Annotations on Culture3.3.5.2 Annotation on Allusion3.3.5.3 Annotation on His Diction3.4 Fidelity Rule And DialectChapter Four Conclusion4.1 The Applicability of Functionalism to Literary Translation4.2 Limitations of the Skopostheorie4.3 The Thesis’s Room for ImprovementBibliography发表论文和科研情况说明
标签:功能主义论文; 目的论论文; 文学翻译论文; 德伯家的苔丝论文;
功能主义视角下的文学翻译 ——分析张谷若所译的《德伯家的苔丝》