摘要AbstractⅠ Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Research1.2.1 Purpose of the study1.2.2 Significance of the study1.3 Organization of the studyⅡ Literature Review2.1 Approaches related to English writing2.1.1 Definitions of writing2.1.2 Writing and learning2.1.3 The importance of teaching writing2.1.4 Writing teaching approaches abroad2.1.5 Writing teaching approaches in China2.2 Length Approach and its meanings2.2.1 Definition2.2.2 Background2.2.3 Theoretical basis: Swain’s output hypothesis2.2.4 Features of Length Approach2.2.5 The status quo of studies on Length Approach2.3 Present writing teaching at vocational college2.3.1 On courses2.3.2 On teaching methods2.3.3 On student’s level2.3.4 On teachers2.3.5 On attitude2.3.6 SummaryⅢ Research Methodology3.1 Research purpose3.2 Research questions3.3 Subjects3.4 Instruments3.5 Procedures of the experiment3.5.1 Task design3.5.2 Writing after class3.5.3 Grading3.5.4 EvaluationⅣ Results and Discussion4.1 Analysis on pre-test4.2 Analysis on post-test4.3 Analysis on interview data4.4 Discussion4.4.1 Improving the English writing ability4.4.2 Improving the learning efficiency4.4.3 Opening up the emotional channels4.4.4 Developing positive feelings and promoting self-confidence4.5 SummaryⅤ Conclusion5.1 Major findings5.2 Suggestions5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 ImplicationsAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢBibliographyPapers published during MA programAcknowledgements
标签:写长法论文; 英语写作论文; 高职英语教学论文;