ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLESPARTⅠ INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 1 Introduction of the Study1.1 Introduction1.2 Need for the study1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Definitions of key concepts1.6 Outline of the dissertationPART Ⅱ LITERATURE REVIEWCHAPTER 2 Background of the Study2.1 Introduction2.2 Learning styles and L2 learning2.3 Affect and L2 learning2.4 Linking learning strategies to learning styles and other affective variables in L2 learning2.5 Chapter summaryCHAPTER 3 Conceptual Framework of the Study3.1 Introduction3.2 Tolerance of ambiguity and language achievement3.2.1 Tolerance of ambiguity3.2.2 Tolerance of ambiguity and language learning3.2.3 Research on tolerance of ambiguity in L2 learning3.2.4 Measurements of tolerance of ambiguity3.3 Anxiety and language achievement3.3.1 Anxiety as a multidimensional construct3.3.2 Language anxiety3.3.3 Language anxiety and achievement3.3.4 Ways to identify language anxiety3.4 Writing strategies in the L2 writing process3.4.1 Writing strategies and the writing process3.4.2 Research on writing strategies in the L2 writing process3.4.3 Methods for investigating writing strategies3.5 Research gaps3.5.1 Lack of studies on tolerance of ambiguity in EFL writing3.5.2 Lack of studies on the relationships between tolerance of ambiguity,anxiety, and writing strategies in EFL writing3.5.3 Lack of studies on individual differences of Chinese EFL learners3.5.4 Lack of studies on non-English-major EFL learners in the Chinese context3.5.5 Lack of multiple data3.6 Chapter summaryPART Ⅲ RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGYCHAPTER 4 Quantitative Research Design and Pilot Study4.1 Introduction4.2 Research questions4.3 Subjects4.4 Instruments4.5 Pilot study4.5.1 Introduction4.5.2 Subjects4.5.3 Instruments4.5.4 Procedure4.5.5 Data analysis4.5.6 Results4.5.6.1 Structure of the EFLWTAS4.5.6.2 Structure of the EFLWAS4.5.6.3 Structure of the EFLWSS4.5.7 Summary4.6 Procedure for data collection4.7 Data analysis4.7.1 Composition rating procedure4.7.2 Statistical analysis with SPSS4.8 Chapter summaryCHAPTER 5 Research Design for the Qualitative Part of the Study5.1 Introduction5.2 Research Questions5.3 Subjects5.4 Instruments5.5 Procedure for data collection5.5.1 Employing the think-aloud protocol5.5.2 Training of the subjects5.5.3 Conducting the writing session5.5.4 Collecting written products5.6 Data analysis5.6.1 Transcribing the taped materials5.6.2 Developing a coding scheme5.6.3 Segmenting the transcribed protocols5.6.4 Coding the segmented protocols5.7 Chapter summaryPART Ⅳ RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONCHAPTER 6 Results and Discussion of the Quantitative Research6.1 Introduction6.2 Results6.2.1 The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and anxiety in EFL writing6.2.2 The relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and strategies in EFL writing6.2.2.1 EFL writing tolerance of ambiguity and categories of EFL writing strategies6.2.2.2 EFL writing tolerance of ambiguity and subcategories of EFL writing strategies6.2.3 The interrelationships between tolerance of ambiguity, anxiety,and writing strategies in EFL writing6.2.4 The effects of tolerance of ambiguity, anxiety, and writing strategies on EFL writing performance6.3 Discussion6.4 Chapter summaryCHAPTER 7 Results and Discussion of the Qualitative Research7.1 Introduction7.2 Results7.2.1 The low EFL writing tolerance of ambiguity group7.2.1.1 Subject 1’s EFL writing strategies7.2.1.2 Subject 2’s EFL writing strategies7.2.2 The high EFL writing tolerance of ambiguity group7.2.2.1 Subject 3’s EFL writing strategies7.2.2.2 Subject 4’s EFL writing strategies7.2.3 Comparing the adoption of EFL writing strategies between the low and high EFL writing tolerance of ambiguity groups7.2.4 The four subjects’scores of compositions7.3 Discussion7.4 Chapter summaryPART Ⅴ CONCLUSIONCHAPTER 8 General Discussion and Conclusions8.1 Introduction8.2 Major findings and general discussion8.2.1 Tolerance of ambiguity and anxiety in EFL writing8.2.2 Tolerance of ambiguity and strategies in EFL writing8.2.3 The interrelationships between tolerance of ambiguity, anxiety, and writing strategies in EFL writing8.2.4 The effects of tolerance of ambiguity, anxiety, and writing strategies on EFL writing performance8.3 Limitations of the study8.4 Implications8.4.1 Theoretical implications8.4.2 Practical implications8.5 Suggestions for future researchREFERENCESAPPENDICESAppendix 1 EFL Writing Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (EFLWTAS)Appendix 2 EFL Writing Anxiety Scale (EFLWAS)Appendix 3 EFL Writing Strategy Scale (EFLWSS)Appendix 4 Test of Written English (TWE) Scoring Guidelines博士在读期间发表如下论文
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标签:学习风格论文; 情感论文; 学习策略论文; 模糊容忍度论文; 焦虑论文; 写作策略论文; 写作成绩论文;