Abstract摘要Introduction1 Literature Review1.1 Relevance theory1.1.1 Two principles of relevance1.1.1.1 Cognitive principle of relevance1.1.1.2 Communicative principle of relevance1.1.2 Context1.1.3 Relevance theory and utterance interpretation1.2 Review of previous literature1.2.1 Studies on DMI abroad1.2.1.1 Fisher’s “misunderstanding strategies” Dascal’s “non-standard misunderstanding” Weigand’s “planned misunderstanding” Tzanne’s “intentional misunderstanding”1.2.2 Studies on DMI at home1.2.2.1 From logical perspective1.2.2.2 From rhetorical perspective1.2.2.3 From pragmatic perspective1.2.3 Achievements and limitations of the previous studies1.2.4 The differences between the present study and the previous studies2 Methodology2.1 The methods and procedure of the study2.2 Data collection and analysis3 Results and Discussion3.1 Phonetic means3.1.1 Making use of homophones3.1.2 Utilizing similar pronunciations of different words or phrases3.1.3 Reverting the order of characters’pronunciations3.2 Lexical means3.2.1 Employing polysemy3.2.2 Using words with similar wordforms3.2.3 Distorting word meaning according to meanings of characters composing it3.2.4 Making use of indeterminacy of deictic expressions3.3 Syntactic means3.4 Pragmatic means3.4.1 Utilizing indirect speech acts3.4.2 Widening people’s common concepts3.4.3 Shifting people’s common concepts3.4.4 Misinterpreting people’s common concepts3.5 Rhetorical means3.5.1 Personification3.5.2 Sarcasm3.5.3 BathosConclusionSummary of main findingsPractical and pedagogical implicationsLimitation and suggestions for further studyAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix I Published papers during study of MA
标签:刻意曲解论文; 中国喜剧小品论文; 关联理论论文; 刻意曲解的方式论文; 刻意曲解的成因论文;