ABSTRACT摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Significance of the Present Study1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Attention2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Nature of Attention2.1.3 The Role of Attention2.1.4 Factors Influencing Attention2.1.5 Related Concepts and the "Noticing Hypothesis"2.2 Attention and Second Language Acquisition Process2.2.1 Attention and Input2.2.2 Attention and Working Memory2.2.3 Attention and Output2.2.4 Attention as a Cognitive Strategy2.3 Attention and Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition2.3.1 Recent Findings on Second Language Vocabulary Teaching2.3.2 Attention and Vocabulary AcquisitionChapter Three Research Design and Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Quantitative Study on Attention Strategy Promoting Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition in Input3.3.2 Qualitative Study on Attention Strategy Promoting Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition in Input3.4 Procedure of Attention Strategy Training and Data Collection and Analysis3.4.1 Instructional Treatment for Attention Strategy in Input3.4.2 Data Collection and Analysis of Pre- and Post-Tests for Attention Strategy TrainingChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Results and Discussion of the Pretests4.1.1 Results and Discussion of the Pretest for Vocabulary Size4.1.2 Results and Discussion of the Pretest for Vocabulary Competence4.2 Results and Discussion of the Immediate Posttests for Vocabulary Competence4.2.1 Analysis of Students' Performance in Word Translation4.2.2 Analysis of Students' Performance in Blank Filling4.2.3 Analysis of Students' Performance in Multiple Choice4.3 Results and Discussion of the Delayed Post-Tests for Vocabulary Competence4.3.1 Analysis of Students' Performance in Word Translation4.3.2 Analysis of Students' Performance in Blank Filling4.3.3 Analysis of Students' Performance in Multiple Choice4.4 Results and Discussion of the Pre- and Post-Tests for Vocabulary Competence4.5 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Conclusion5.2 Implications for Vocabulary Teaching on Attention Strategy5.3 Limitations5.4 Recommendations for Further StudyBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX 1APPENDIX 2APPENDIX 3APPENDIX 4APPENDIX 5APPENDIX 6APPENDIX 7ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPUBLISHED PAPERS
标签:注意论文; 策略论文; 二语词汇习得论文; 输入论文; 记忆论文;