Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 An Introduction to Task-based Teaching Method1.2 About This ResearchChapter 2 Task-based Teaching Method (TBTM)2.1 The Concept of “Task”2.2 Analyzing Tasks for Task-based Teaching2.3 Sequencing Tasks for Task-based TeachingChapter 3 TBTM and Sci-Tech Translation Teaching3.1 Weaknesses of Conventional Teaching Approach in Practice3.2 Strengths of Combining TBTM and Translation in Theory3.3 TBTM Applied in Sci-Tech Translation ClassChapter 4 TBTM and Translator Competence4.1 Translation Competence4.2 Translator Competence4.3 Comparison of Conventional Approach and TBTM in Developing Translator CompetenceChapter 5 Implementation of TBTM in Sci-Tech Translation Class --- An Experimental Study5.1 The Theoretical Framework of Task Design Principles5.2 Research Method and Process: Cases of TBTM Applied in Sci-Tech Translation Class5.3 Summary and Analysis of Students’Perceptions towards the TBTM5.4 Contrastive Study of the TBTM and the Conventional Sci-Tech Translation Teaching Method5.5 FindingsChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAppendix IVAppendix VAcknowledgements
标签:任务型教学法论文; 科技翻译教学论文; 应用论文;