:A new type of triptycene-based stationary phases with alkylated benzimidazolium cations for gas chromatographic separations论文

:A new type of triptycene-based stationary phases with alkylated benzimidazolium cations for gas chromatographic separations论文


作者(2019)在《A new type of triptycene-based stationary phases with alkylated benzimidazolium cations for gas chromatographic separations》一文中研究指出:Favorable physicochemical properties and unique molecular recognition capability endow triptycenebased materials with good potential as stationary phases for gas chro matograp hy(GC).This work reports a new type of triptycene-based mate rials functionalized by three benzimidazolium cations with diffe re nt peripheral alkyl lengths(denoted as TP-3 Bim-5 C and TP-3 Bim-12 C)and their GC separation performance.As a result,they shared high resolving performance for the naphthalene isomers but differed for the benzene derivatives with varying polarity.Moreover,their capillary columns exhibited good repeatability and thermal stability.This work p re sents a facile strategy fo r tailoring the selectivity of the TP-based stationary phases and demonstrates their promising future for chromatographic analysis.


Favorable physicochemical properties and unique molecular recognition capability endow triptycenebased materials with good potential as stationary phases for gas chro matograp hy(GC).This work reports a new type of triptycene-based mate rials functionalized by three benzimidazolium cations with diffe re nt peripheral alkyl lengths(denoted as TP-3 Bim-5 C and TP-3 Bim-12 C)and their GC separation performance.As a result,they shared high resolving performance for the naphthalene isomers but differed for the benzene derivatives with varying polarity.Moreover,their capillary columns exhibited good repeatability and thermal stability.This work p re sents a facile strategy fo r tailoring the selectivity of the TP-based stationary phases and demonstrates their promising future for chromatographic analysis.


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    :A new type of triptycene-based stationary phases with alkylated benzimidazolium cations for gas chromatographic separations论文
