AcknowledgementAbstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Significance of the research1.3 Methodology of the study1.4 Framework of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Previous studies on English adverting texts2.2 Previous studies on advertising translation abroad2.3 Previous studies on advertising translation in ChinaChapter Three Characteristics of English Advertising Texts3.1 Common lexical features3.1.1 Frequent use of adjectives3.1.2 Frequent use of monosyllable verbs3.1.3 Flexible use of compounds and abbreviations3.1.4 Witty use of coinages3.2 Syntactical features3.2.1 Frequent use of simple sentences3.2.2 Frequent use of elliptical sentences3.2.3 Frequent use of imperative sentences3.2.4 Frequent use of interrogative sentences3.2.5 Frequent use of exclamations3.2.6 Frequent use of disjunctive sentences3.3 Rhetorical features3.3.1 Phonetic devices3.3.1.1 Alliteration3.3.1.2 Rhyme3.3.2 Semantic rhetorical devices3.3.2.1 Personification3.3.2.2 Simile3.3.2.3 Metaphor3.3.2.4 Pun3.3.2.5 Hyperbole3.3.3 Syntactical rhetorical devices3.3.3.1 Parallelism3.3.3.2 Repetition3.3.3.3 Parody3.4 SummaryChapter Four Principles for Translation of English Advertising Texts4.1 Brief discussion of basic translation theories4.1.1 Liu Zhongde‘s triple principle for translation4.1.2 Eugene A. Nida‘s functional equivalence4.2 Suggested principles for advertising translation4.2.1 Faithfulness4.2.2 Attractiveness4.2.3 AcceptabilityChapter Five Basic Strategies for Translation of English Advertising Texts5.1 Transliteration5.2 Literal translation5.3 Liberal translation5.4 Flexible translation5.4.1 Addition5.4.2 Adaptation5.4.3 Parody5.5 SummaryChapter Six ConclusionNotesBibliography
标签:英语广告语篇论文; 语言特点论文; 翻译原则论文; 翻译策略论文; 直译论文; 意译论文;