Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Background of the Present Study0.2 Objectives of the Present Study and Its Significance0.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 Studies of Euphemism in Western Countries1.2 Studies of Euphemism in China1.3 SummaryChapter Two Theoretical Foundation2.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory2.1.1 Definition of Conceptual Metaphor2.1.2 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor2.1.3 Features of Conceptual Metaphor2.1.3.1 The Systematicity of Metaphor2.1.3.2 The Effect of Systematicity:Highlighting and Hiding2.1.4 Conceptual Metaphor and the Study of Euphemism2.2 Conceptual Metonymy Theory2.2.1 Definition of Metonymy2.2.2 Classification of Metonymy2.2.3 Features of Metonymy2.2.3.1 The Systematicity of Metonymy2.2.3.2 The Effect of Metonymy:Highlighting and Hiding2.2.4 Conceptual Metonymy and the Study of Euphemism2.3 SummaryChapter Three Cognitive Mechanisms of English and Chinese Euphemism3.1 Cognitive Mechanisms of English Euphemism3.1.1 Metaphor as a Mechanism of English Euphemism3.1.2 Metonymy as a Mechanism of English Euphemism3.2 Cognitive Mechanisms of Chinese Euphemism3.2.1 Metaphor as a Mechanism of Chinese Euphemism3.2.2 Metonymy as a Mechanism of Chinese Euphemism3.3 SummaryChapter Four Cognitive Motivations of the Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Euphemism4.1 Cognitive Motivations of the Similarities between English and Chinese Euphemism4.1.1 Common Objective World4.1.2 Common Human Bodily Experience4.2 Cognitive Motivations of the Differences between English and Chinese Euphemism4.2.1 Different Cultural Backgrounds4.2.2 Different Ways of Thinking4.3 SummaryConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:英汉委婉语论文; 隐喻论文; 转喻论文; 异同论文; 认知理据论文;