摘要AbstractChapter One:Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Research questions1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Multimedia-assisted foreign language teaching2.1.1. The definition of multimedia-assisted foreign language teaching2.1.2 The characteristics of multimedia2.1.3 The characteristics of multimedia-assisted foreign language teaching2.2 Related findings at abroad2.3 The study on multimedia-assisted foreign language teaching in China2.4 Review of grammar teaching2.4.1 Grammar-Translation Method2.4.2 Direct Method2.4.3 Audiolingualism2.4.4 Summary2.5 Different attitudes towards grammar teaching2.5.1 Views against grammar teaching2.5.2 Views for grammar teaching2.5.3 Summary2.6 Four key principles for teaching grammar2.7 Problems and factors in English grammar teachingChapter Three: Theoretical Basis3.1 Constructivism3.1.1 Cognitive constructivism & social constructivism3.1.2 The learning based on Constructivism3.2 Principles of teaching design in the constructivist learning3.2.1 Emphasis on student-centered3.2.2 Emphasis of the important effects that "situation" have on the meaning construction3.2.3 Emphasis on the key effect the "cooperative learning" has on construction of meaning3.2.4 Emphasis on the design of learning environment3.2.5 Emphasis on the use of various information resources to support "learning"3.2.6 The ultimate goal of the learning process is to complete the construction of meaning3.3 Communicative theory3.3.1 Features of the communicative approach3.3.2 The principles of the communicative approachChapter Four:Research Methodology4.1 Purpose of the research4.2 Subjects of the study4.3 Methodology and processes of the research4.3.1 Methodology of the research4.3.2 Procedures of the researchChapter Five Analysis and Discussion of Results5.1 Analysis of test results5.2 Analysis of the results of questionnaire Ⅱ5.3 The analysis of the interview of the teachers5.4 The analysis of the interview of the studentsChapter Six:Conclusions and Implications6.1 The experiment results and experience6.2 Several issues that should be paid attention to in application6.3 Conclusions6.4 The issues to be further studied6.5 LimitationsReferencesAppendix A Questionnaire ⅠAppendix B Questionnaire ⅡAppendix CAcknowledgements
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标签:高中英语语法教学论文; 多媒体技术论文; 建构主义论文; 优化教学论文;