本文主要探讨内外向性格与交替传译准确度的相关性研究。通过内外向性格调查表,本研究收集了21名研究生的内外向性格数据。这21名研究生来自广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院。在本实验开始之前,均已接受了为期半年的交替传译训练。口译准确度属于口译质量评估研究的范畴,本文在充分回顾并吸收前人成果的基础上,从三个不同的层面对口译质量进行评估:以语义为单位的基本信息点为第一层;以一个完整的意义基层为第二层;以一个完整的意义等信息结构为第三层。本研究通过采用描述性以及相关性统计分析,采用SPSS 13.0,对参与者的内外向性格与他们的口译准确度之间的相关性进行了数据分析。结果发现,在交替传译中,内外向性格与整体的口译准确度并不相关。然而,根据描述性统计分析,内向性格的人在英汉交替传译中的口译准确度较外向性格的人高;而外向性格的人在汉英交替传译中的口译准确度较内向性格的人高。在口译准确度所衡量的每个层级,不同的性格类型各有所长。但在汉英交替传译中,两者在信息结构意层所取得的分数近乎相当。本研究同时采取定量和定性研究的方法,来探讨研究英汉汉英交替传译中内外向性格与口译准确的相关性。与此同时,本文详细探讨本研究所存在的局限性,以及本研究之于口译教学的启示。
摘要AbstractContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Purpose of the Research1.3 Research Questions1.4 Research Methodology and Data Collection1.5 Significance of the ResearchChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Overview of Personality Types and the Studying Approaches to Foreign Language Learning2.1.1 Definition of Extroversion/Introversion2.1.2 Research Approach to Extroversion/Introversion and Foreign/Second Language Learning2.1.3 The Findings of Previous Researches on Extroversion/Introversion and Foreign Language Studies2.2 Overview of Researches by Western Scholars and Chinese Scholars on Interpreting Accuracy2.2.1 Quality Assessment Criteria Proposed by Western and Chinese Scholars2.2.2 Empirical Researches Conducted by Western and Chinese Scholars on Interpreting Accuracy2.3 SummaryChapter Three Method of the Study3.1 Participants3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Eysenck's EPQ-R Questionnaire3.2.2 One of the Second Grade of China Aptitude Test for Interpreters of National Personnel Ministry3.3 Procedure3.4 Data CollectionChapter Four Results4.1 Identification of Participants' Personality Types4.2 The Participants' Achievement in Consecutive Interpreting4.2.1 The Measurement of Consecutive Interpreting Accuracy4.2.2 Descriptive Statistics of the Participants' Achievement in Consecutive Interpreting Accuracy4.2.3 Descriptive Statistics of the Scores of the Participants in Each Layer of Interpretation Accuracy Measurement4.3 The Correlation between Extroversion/Introversion and Their Interpretation Accuracy Achievements4.3.1 The Correlation between Extroversion/Introversion and Their Overall Scores in Interpretation Accuracy4.3.2 The Correlation between Extroversion/Introversion and Their Scores of Separate Layers in Interpretation AccuracyChapter Five Analysis and Discussions5.1 Analysis of the Correlation between Extroversion/Introversion and Their Interpretation Accuracy5.1.1 Analysis of the Relationships between the Total Scores of the Participants in Consecutive Interpreting and Their Personality Types5.1.2 Analysis of the Relationships between the Scores of the Participants in Each Layer of Interpretation Accuracy and Their Personality Types5.2 Discussions on the Correlation between Extroversion-Introversion Traits and Interpreting AccuracyChapter Six Conclusions6.1 Limitations6.2 Conclusions6.3 Implications6.3.1 Implications for Interpreting Teachers6.3.2 Implications for Interpreting PractitionersBibliographyAcknowlegementsAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix D
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标签:外向性格论文; 口译准确度论文; 相关性论文; 交替传译论文;