Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 An Overview of Skopos Theory1.1 A Brief Introduction of Skopos Theory1.1.1 The Definition of Skopos Theory1.1.2 The History of Skopos Theory1.1.3 The Significance of Skopos Theory1.1.4 The Key Point of Skopos Theory1.1.5 The Rules Underlying Skopos Theory1.1.6 The Norm of Evaluation according to Skopos Theory1.1.7 The Interpretation of Translation according to Skopos Theory1.1.8 Previous Studies of Skopos Theory in China1.2 The Status of the ST and TT in Skopos Theory1.3 The Role of the Translator and TT Receivers according to Skopos Theory1.3.1 The Role of the Translator1.3.2 The Role of the TT Receivers1.4 The Choice of Translation Strategies according to Skopos TheoryChapter 2 Discussion of Domestication and Foreignization2.1 The Basic Concepts of Domestication and Foreignization2.2 The Development of Domestication and Foreignization2.2.1 The Development of Domestication and Foreignization in the West2.2.2 The Development of Domestication and Foreignization in China2.3 The Merits and Shortcomings of Domestication and Foreignization2.3.1 The Merits and Shortcomings of Domestication2.3.2 The Merits and Shortcomings of Foreignization2.4 The Relationship between Culture and Translation Strategies.2.4.1 Domestication and Foreignization in the Dominant Culture2.4.2 Chinese Culture in the Present WorldChapter 3 Analysis of Translation Strategies Applied in the Two English Versions of Hong Loumeng3.1 A Brief Introduction to Hong Loumeng and Its Author3.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Hong Loumeng3.1.2 A Brief Introduction to Its Author Cao Xueqin3.2 A Brief Introduction to the English Versions of Hong Loumeng3.2.1 Nine English Versions of Hong Loumeng3.2.2 The Two Major English Versions of Hong Loumeng3.3 A Case Study in the Two English Versions according to Skopos Theory3.3.1 Ecological Culture-Loaded Information3.3.2 Material Culture-Loaded Information3.3.3 Social Culture-Loaded Information3.3.4 Conceptual Culture-Loaded Information3.3.5 Linguistic Culture-Loaded InformationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:目的论论文; 归化异化论文; 红楼梦论文; 文化负载信息论文;